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Geology Folding Mechanisms

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Presentation on theme: "Geology Folding Mechanisms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geology 3120 - Folding Mechanisms

2 Outline Decollement Buckle Folds Passive (a.k.a. Free) Folds
Kink Folds Shear Folds Flexural Slip Sheath Folds

3 Decollement Buckle Fold
Zagros salt folds Zagros salt folds Zagros salt folds

4 Passive-Free-Buckle Folds
m2 m2 m1 If m1 > m2

5 Passive, or Free Folds

6 Mullions

7 Mullions

8 Multi-Layer Folds

9 Layer thickness and rheology define fold wavelength
Layer thickness and rheology both define fold wavelength What color strata are weakest? Light or Dark?

10 Multi-Layer Folds

11 Parasitic Folds

12 Parasitic Folds

13 Shear Folds

14 Shear Folds

15 Kink Folds (photograph Taiwan kink-bands)

16 Kink Folds (common in shales, slates)

17 Flexural Slip

18 Vergence

19 Flexural Flow

20 Flexural Flow

21 Flexural Flow (aka Karl’s favorite rock!)
Fractures open outward Extensional fractures end at sliding surface Offset fracture shows vergence

22 Tangential Longitudinal Strain

23 Tangential Longitudinal Strain

24 Tangential Longitudinal Strain



27 Sheath Folds High Shear Strain Folds (i.e. shear zones)
Sheath, or Tongue Shaped Stretching Lineations parallel to fold axis’

28 Sheath Folds Sheath Fold in Calcite Marble
High Shear Strain Folds (i.e. shear zones) Sheath, or Tongue Shaped Stretching Lineations parallel to fold axis’ Sheath Fold in Calcite Marble

29 Examples This is a parasitic fold. Probably a felsic intrusive in a intermediate igneous rock. Think about viscosity and how many deformation events took place.

30 Examples This is a folded vein o f granite in gneiss from scotland. Fold hinges are not cyllidndrical as the fold hinges die off toward the sea.

31 Examples This is a chevron fold, very tight hinge and straight limbs. Layer parallel slip occurs probably.

32 In class stunts Use Fig Newtons as an analgue to illustrate extension on outer arc of fold; Wear two old shirts, wrap with rubber band and cut off sheath fold

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