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Network Neighborhood? Who’s on Your Wi-Fi?

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1 Network Neighborhood? Who’s on Your Wi-Fi?
Douglas Burke | October 2010 Douglas Burke Director Network Infrastructure Systems and Services University of San Diego

2 University of San Diego Statistics
Catholic University founded in 1949 Campus Size: 180 Acres; 84 Buildings Total Students:7,868 Undergraduate Students: 5,111 Graduate Students (Graduate, Professional and Law): 2,757 381 full-time faculty and 427 part-time; over 60 degree offerings Catholic University founded in 1949 Campus Size: 180 Acres; 84 Buildings Total Students:7,832 Undergraduate Students: 5,119 Graduate Students (Graduate, Professional and Law): 2,713 Tuition: $35,870 per year 369 full-time faculty and 432 part-time; over 60 degree offerings

3 Network Neighborhood? Who’s on Your WI-FI?
Securing Campus Wireless Challenges Standards for accessing USD’s networks Guest Self Registration Groups & Individuals Charging vs. Free Community Acceptance Academics & VIPs, Authentic Credentials – Are they really who they say they are? Our goal was simple – authenticate everyone! All computers must meet USD requirements to gain access to the network We needed a self registration system Creating users accts (passwords) manually Previous summers, summer camps & conferences department typically ran ~12,000 guests through campus ever summer A small networking staff creating accounts manually was impossible Charging or Free We focused on credit cards as a means of identification Charging or free – difficult concept for universities or colleges we eventually went with a charging model and only had a few complaints Visiting professor and other sponsor guests Promotional codes provide 7 day access for sponsored guests and VIPs Transition from free to fee Authentic Credentials It was obvious that the honor system did not work. I believe a famous couple from Disneyland actually visited USD’s law

4 Current Wi-Fi status Greater than 1700 Aruba APs 1528 - 802.11n
200 – a/b/g 6 connection modes with >41,000 sessions 4 SSIDs 24,000 unique devices (last 6 months) Aruba Slide Our Aruba wireless network spans all 180 acres of campus The unique users includes our summer camps & conference venues - approximately 5900 guests & 1100 guest accounts – summer 2010

5 Solution - Self Registration Avenda Systems
Avenda Systems Identity Aware Access Control Academic Promotional Codes for Departments and Colleges 7 Day access (standard) Credit Card Authentication – Self Registration Guest Wireless Access 24 hrs, 7 and 30 days Group Wireless Access ( groups of 5 to100) Vendor Wireless Access 6 months Flexibility to design and update pages and requirements as needed. Full integration with our wireless and storefront/gateway Web console to view logs Failed logins Failed credit card Troubleshooting of guest wireless Quick response for problems or changes As a transition, promotional codes were used extensively the first year to ease the pain of moving from free to fee Guest Individuals and groups can pay for access using our storefront/gateway

6 Self Registration Page rolled out June 2009
Our first roll out of the Avenda product Credit card and Promo codes – Promo codes help the conference venues transition from free to fee Promo code are issued ever summer to all the administrative offices, colleges and department for sponsored visiting professor or VIPS Fee structure 24 hours, 7 and 30 days

7 Group Registration June 2010
Same model as the individual guest reg page except for a minimum of 5 account to 100 Pricing model is slightly less for groups Group or conference coordinator then hand out promo codes unique to their group for registration.

8 THANK YOU Douglas Burke

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