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Nutrition Computers 8 Justin.

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1 Nutrition Computers 8 Justin

2 Carbohydrates Provides fuel for physical activity and organ function
Whole-grain foods still contain vitamins and minerals 2 major types Simple (refined sugars) Completed (starches) Sources of food Bread, pasta, rice, crackers, etc…

3 Fats Certain amount for brain and nerves to work properly
Most fruits + vegetables have no fat 3 major types Unsaturated fat Saturated fat Trans fat Good sources Cake, steak, cheese, etc…

4 Protein Builds + replaces + maintains tissue in your body
Protein builds cardiac muscle 2 major types Complete (meat + milk) Incomplete (vegetables) Examples Pork, milk, broccoli, etc…

5 Fibre Help lower blood cholesterol and prevent diabetes
Helps food move threw digestive system 2 types Soluble Insoluble Examples Whole-grain bread, cereal, apples, etc…

6 Vitamins Help you grow and function properly
some vitamins stay in your body for around 6 months 6 major types Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K Examples Carrots, eggs, strawberries, fish, etc…

7 Minerals Helps body grow + develop + stay healthy
It helps to perform different body functions 2 main types macro minerals trace minerals Examples Bread, meat, milk, squash, etc…

8 Water Without it you body stops working properly
Is a lymph which fights off illness Good sources Fruit vegetables Dehydration can kill you in up to 2 days Blood contains a lot of water to digest your food and get rid of waste

9 Bibliography

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