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Math Lesson 1 Objective:

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1 Math Lesson 1 Objective:
Express metric length measurements in terms of a smaller unit and model and solve addition or subtraction word problems using metric length.

2 After this lesson you will be able to…
Express Metric Length measurements in terms of a smaller unit. Model and solve an addition word problem involving metric length. Model and solve a subtraction word problem involving metric length.

3 Understanding the Metric System and Units of Length.
There are three main units that we need to know for the metric system. Centimeter Meter Kilometer

4 Centimeter We use a ruler to measure in centimeters.
This is used to measure small objects like the length of a staple or the length of a pencil.

5 Meter A meter is used to measure the length of medium distances.
For instance the height of your desk, the length of a bookshelf, or the width of a door.

6 Kilometer Kilometers are used to measure long distances.
For instance the distance between Tampa and Orlando or the distance around a soccer field 4 times.

7 Help me complete this… Distance km - kilometer m - meter 1 1,000 2
2,000 3 ? 7 70 1

8 What is the pattern? Distance km - kilometer m - meter 1 1,000 2 2,000
3 ? 7 70 1

9 There are 1,000 meters in each kilometer.
Distance km - kilometer m - meter 1 1,000 2 2,000 3 ? 7 70 1

10 There are 1,000 meters in each kilometer.
Distance km - kilometer m - meter 1 1,000 2 2,000 3 3,000 7 7,000 70 70,000 1

11 What if I needed to add metric units together?
What could we do to figure out the following problem? 5 km + 2,500 m. Discuss with your table…

12 What if I needed to add metric units together?
What could we do to figure out the following problem? 5 km + 2,500 m. We need to turn the 5 km into m.

13 What if I needed to add metric units together?
5 km + 2,500 m. 5 km = 5,000 m

14 What if I needed to add metric units together?
5 km + 2,500 m. 5 km = 5,000 m 5, ,500 = 7,500 meters. Let’s try another one.

15 What if I needed to add metric units together?
1 km 734 m km 396 m

16 What if I needed to add metric units together?
1 km 734 m km 396 m 5 km 1,130 m Treat it just like an addition problem. 1 1

17 What if I needed to add metric units together?
1 km 734 m km 396 m 5 km 1,130 m 6 km 130 m Treat it just like an addition problem. 1 1

18 Let’s try the same thing with subtraction.
10 km - 3 km 140 m

19 We need to borrow 1 km and turn it into 1,000 m.
9 10 km 1,000 m - 3 km 140 m

20 We need to borrow 1 km and turn it into 1,000 m.
9 10 km 1,000 m - 3 km 140 m Now solve it the way you would a normal subtraction problem.

21 We need to borrow 1 km and turn it into 1,000 m.
9 9 10 10 10 km 1,000 m - 3 km 140 m 6 km 860 m

22 We need to borrow 1 km and turn it into 1,000 m.
9 9 10 10 10 km 1,000 m - 3 km 140 m 6 km 860 m or 6,860 m

23 One last problem… Sam practiced his long jump in PE.
On his first attempt, he jumped 1 meter 47 centimeters. On his second attempt, he jumped 98 centimeters. How much farther did Sam jump on his first attempt?

24 Let’s make a tape diagram!!
Sam practiced his long jump in PE. On his first attempt, he jumped 1 meter 47 centimeters. On his second attempt, he jumped 98 centimeters. How much farther did Sam jump on his first attempt?

25 Tape Diagram 1 m 47 cm 98 cm ?

26 Tape Diagram 1 m 47 cm Hint: 1 meter = 100 cm. 98 cm ?

27 1 m 47 cm 98 cm Hint: 1 meter = 100 cm. Tape Diagram ?
Change this to cm. 1 m 47 cm Hint: 1 meter = 100 cm. 98 cm ?

28 Tape Diagram Change this to cm. 147 cm Hint: 1 meter = 100 cm. 98 cm ?

29 Last Problem 147 m - 98 m

30 Last Problem 13 14 17 147 m - 98 m 49 m

31 Your Turn Practice on pages 1 and 2 in Math Practice Book. Remember:
1 km = 1,000 m and 1 m = 100 cm

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