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Welcome Back! Please turn in your signed syllabus to your block’s tray. Take a “How are You Smart?” paper and a graph paper. Please sit in your assigned.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! Please turn in your signed syllabus to your block’s tray. Take a “How are You Smart?” paper and a graph paper. Please sit in your assigned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! Please turn in your signed syllabus to your block’s tray. Take a “How are You Smart?” paper and a graph paper. Please sit in your assigned seat and begin reading the instructions on the paper.

2 Charts Use the graph to chart your answers to the list of questions.
Fill in one box for every statement you agree with. You have ~10 minutes.

3 Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Gardner identified different distinct intelligences. According to Gardner, “Where individuals differ is in the strength of these intelligences-the so-called profile of intelligences-and in the ways in which such intelligences are invoked and combined to carry out different tasks, solve diverse problems, and progress in various domains.”

4 Act It Out: Procedures Count off by 11 and get into your groups.
Once in your groups, read through your procedure. Prepare your presentation: you will need to act out the incorrect way to complete this procedure and the correct way to complete this procedure. Be creative! You may use materials (“props”) from around the room. There is no time limit; however, prepare a thorough presentation.

5 Presentations First, read your laminated paper.
Next, act out the incorrect way to complete the procedure. Finally, act out the correct way to complete the procedure. While your classmates are acting these procedure out, take notes on the “Procedural Notes” in your Syllabus.

6 Test Taking Mode In Ms. Kennedy’s class there is no talking during a quiz or test. If you have any questions please raise your hand and whisper them quietly to Ms. Kennedy.   If you are talking or disruptive during a test you will be warned AND loose five points from your total score. The second time you are talking or disruptive you will receive a zero on the assessment, will need a re-teaching session AND receive a phone call home. 

7 Restroom At JCHS students are not allowed to leave the room during the first 15 minutes and the last 15 minutes of class. In Ms. Kennedy’s class in order to use the restroom you raise your hand and ask to use the restroom. I will then give you a nod “yes” or “no” depending on if it’s a good time for you to step out. If “yes”, then fill out a pass in your agenda and have Ms. Kennedy sign your agenda. Only one person may use the restroom at a time. You will use YOUR agenda as a bathroom pass.

8 Entering the Class/Dismissal
When you walk into the room, please check the board for instructions. If you need a handout, it will be located on the desk under the “Practice” board. Additionally, turn in any assignments to your block’s corresponding tray. Please sit at your assigned desk and begin completing your Warm-Up. When the bell rings, it is expected that you are sitting in your desk and beginning your Warm- Up. In Ms. Kennedy’s class she dismisses the class-not the bell. This isn’t to be controlling, but because there may be important information you need to receive before leaving. When Ms. Kennedy says we are all done for the day, please return all supplies and make sure the area around your desk is clean. Once M.s Kennedy dismisses the class you will stand up, push in your chair, and walk out of the room.

9 Fire Drill If there is a fire drill while you are in Ms. Kennedy’s class we will stand up, push in our chairs, and line up silently.   Once we have safely exited the building, Ms. Kennedy will take attendance. Please look for her (or a classmate). In order to mark you as accounted for Ms. Kennedy must be able to see you. We will stay together as a class for the remainder of the drill. Once we are given the signal, we will re-enter the building silently. The last person out the door should turn off the lights and close the door.

10 Tardy You need to be in the room when the bell rings. If you are late, come in quietly and take your seat. Ms. Kennedy will be around to talk to you about being tardy as soon as possible. If you have a pass, please put it on your desk. If you are (unexcused) late three times you will need to see Ms. Kennedy for a re-teaching lesson and your parents will be notified. Please note that tardiness is marked on Phoenix attendance. First block students: If you are late to class you will need to go to the attendance office for a pass before being welcomed into the room.

11 Technology In Ms. Kennedy’s class, it is expected that if we are in the computer lab/library or have a laptop cart, it is for educational purposes. It is expected that you will not be surfing the web, listening to music, watching videos, trolling social media, etc. unless it is a part of the assignment. If you do not follow these expectations, you will lose your opportunity to use the technology and will have to make up your work independently.

12 Re-Teaching If you are not meeting the expectations for this class, you will receive a warning. If there continues to be an issue you will receive a re- teaching and parent contact. A re-teaching is just extra time with Ms. Kennedy to review the procedures and expectations for the class. Continued behavior issues or re-teaching sessions will result in discipline referrals.

13 Phones All cell phones should be away (and kept in your back pack) during class. If Ms. Kennedy repeatedly sees you using your phone during the class period she will ask to hold on to it so that you will be able to focus on the day’s lesson. If you comply, you will receive it back at the end of the block. If you refuse to stop using your phone and/or refuse to turn it over to Ms. Kennedy then you will be asked to go to the main office.

14 Textbooks and Novels 9th and 10th English textbooks are orange (9th) and purple (10th) and located on the bookshelf under the window. When using textbooks, please treat them carefully and put them back in their correct location when you are done using your textbook. Novels will be picked up and returned to the book shelf as well. If you check a book out from the classroom library, please be sure to record your name, the book title, the date you checked that book out, and the date you checked that book in.

15 Supplies When working on assignments, projects, etc. please be respectful of the supplies you are using. Be sure to return all supplies to their designated bin once finished. Supplies are located in the back of the room to the left of the “News” bulletin board.

16 Clean Up During a typical class or when working on assignments, projects, etc. please be sure to check around your desk for any garbage or materials that need to be taken care of. These items should be cleaned up before dismissal. Food is not allowed in class. Students have food allergies and this is a way to keep all students healthy.

17 Make notes as necessary on your syllabus.

18 Mentor Texts Reputable, quality texts we examine as a class
Analyze purpose/parts Agree as a class what makes the text valuable and effective Create a rubric Practice

19 Dictionary What is the purpose of a dictionary?
Retrieve a dictionary from the shelves by the window. Open to page 773. The word we will look at is on the VERY top of the right column: “Mellifluous.”



22 Spelling Part of Speech Definition Pronunciation/Syllables

23 What do we need?

24 Your Name: Define your name on the card you have in front of you using the format we discussed and agreed upon. You have ~20 minutes to fill it out. You may use technology devices available to you and the dictionary in front of you.

25 Speed Dating: Line up at the front of the room, half with their backs to the wall. The line facing the wall will have ~30 seconds (1 minute in total), to explain their definitions of their name. We will rotate until everyone has gone through the line.

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