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Driving Employee Engagement at a John Deere Dealership

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Presentation on theme: "Driving Employee Engagement at a John Deere Dealership"— Presentation transcript:

1 Driving Employee Engagement at a John Deere Dealership
With Tracy Ellig, HR Manager at Premier Equipment

2 Today’s Speakers Tracy Ellig, CHRL Ryan Condon
HR Manager, Premier Equipment 15+ years in HR Large corporation insurance industry HR background 3 years with Premier Equipment HR Manager. Mom of twin daughters with a fur baby! CEO, SATISFYD 17+ years customer &Employee Experience Father of 4 and avid runner

3 About SATISFYD CX Framework

4 The Promoter Flywheel Loyal Customers Buy more Stay longer
Refer friends Provide feedback & ideas Engaged Employees Are enthusiastic about their work Provide better customer experiences Influence other employees ®Net Promoter, NPS, and Net Promoter Score are registered trademarks of SatMetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld

5 of the disengaged employees
Impact 84% of highly engaged employees believe they can positively impact the quality of their organization’s products, compared with only 31% of the disengaged employees 72% of highly engaged employees believe they can positively affect customer service, versus 27% of the disengaged 68% of highly engaged employees believe they can positively impact costs in their job or unit, compared with just 19% of the disengaged QUALITY CUSTOMER COSTS *What Engages Employees the Most, Ivey Business Journal

6 Premier Equipment Tracy Ellig HR Manager, Extraordinaire

7 Premier Equipment 10 Location John Deere dealer organization out of Ontario, Canada Full service equipment dealership specializing in agriculture, lawn, commercial, specialized grounds care and compact construction equipment May 2011 Elmira Farm (5) merged with AgraTurf (5)

8 The Beginning When I arrived at Premier Our Convictions Culture
Merger impact (us and them) Process / Approach

9 Our Convictions Developing and growing our Leaders so they can in turn grow and lead Premier Equipment into the best possible place to work The value of all team members and their input Speaking the truth with compassion A team environment where employees are empowered to succeed Continuous improvement and appropriate growth Integrity, trust and loyalty Being a positive partner in our communities

10 Starting Employee Engagement Journey
First Steps Our Convictions Change Culture / Challenges Approaches to process design

11 Employee Engagement -Today
Process (Onboarding) Our Convictions Culture Tools (SATISFYD Employee Survey & Leadership Training)

12 Employee Engagement Survey Process
Why did we do it? Great opportunity to assess alignment to convictions Create a way for employees to share opinions and be heard Ensure leaderships and staff had shared perspective

13 Critical Point If you are going to do an engagement survey, be prepared to act on it and hear everything because you will hear things you never expected to hear.

14 BizPower These questions help determine if your company is operating optimally as far as leadership, execution, creativity and employee treatment Opportunities Communication Leadership Development Excellence Interviewing Beliefs / Values Living it

15 EmployeePower These questions aims to report how the employees feel about their daily engagement. How they are supervised, work/life balance and future advancement opportunities Opportunities Recognition Pay & Motivation Excellence Great Place Development

16 Taking Measured Action
SATISFYD Provided Prescriptions Don’t bite off too much Validating existing initiatives Communicate to staff – Isn't that Cool? Selecting future initiatives Integrating into annual planning Align to culture / convictions Getting on the same page We do things efficiently and well (Benchmark ↑, Previous Year ↓) Create work teams for identifying processes that can be improved and incent / encourage process improvement Ensure processes are defined, documented and improved annually Right long term direction (Benchmark ↑, Previous Year ↓) Review how leadership direction is communicated to staff Create process for sharing direction Engage staff in direction discussions so that they feel heard Confidence in leadership (Benchmark ↑, Previous Year ↓) Staff confidence can be a force multiplier. Identify smalls wins, such as improving a key area of the business or an area identified by this employee survey process. Reduce staff facing ambiguity in decisions making Include your team members in goal setting

17 Premier Equipment’s Best Practices
Interviewing Onboarding Communication Performance Managment Best In Canada

18 Interviewing Culture starts with making the right hire for both parties We are interviewing each other Questions (HR + Technical) and asked around convictions (example) State expectations Place I want to work

19 Onboarding New Hire Orientation Within 3 months of hire
Merger (us and them) history Spend a day with HR Manager Meet other news hires High level HR (benefits / perks) CEO meets and talks about culture Health and Safety CEM Lead Dave Moore talks about the customer

20 Communication Quarterly newsletter Internally distributed Share events
Personal events HR Corner – (i.e. benefits) BIC Winners Employee Spotlight (who they are outside of work) Integrated Strategy Focus on Social Media (*new)

21 “Best in Canada” Recognition Reinforcement Culture Raising Bar
Comes back to our convictions

22 Performance Management
Difficult to do well Turning our back violates our convictions Damaging to culture Dealing with them the second it happens Speaking truth with Compassion Employee improvement opportunity “New Puppy Training” = Performance Management Not written down, It didn’t happen – Document everything Not in employee file, but captured Collaborative with employee Discussion Driving leaders back to the Code of Conduct (*new)

23 Employee Engagement Future
Focus on Leadership Development Succession Planning Training and development of non-technical employees

24 Takeaways Get CEO buy-in Channel your HR expertise / training
Small Bites Failure is expensive

25 Next Steps Create / refine your convictions
Set aligned goals to drive improvement Employee Engagement Survey Measure for success

26 Additional Resources The Impact of Employee Engagement on Performance- HBR Becoming Irresistible: A new model for employee engagement, Deloitte University Press What Engages Employees the Most, Ivey Business Journal the-ten-cs-of-employee-engagement/ Why John Deere Measures Employee Engagement Every Two Weeks! weeks

27 Special thank you to: Tracy Ellig, HR Manager of Premier Equipment
Presenter: Ryan Condon, CEO of SATISFYD Contact SATISFYD at: or call

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