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Chapter 10 review game Ch review CR Ques

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10 review game Ch review CR Ques"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10 review game Ch review 10.1 10.2 10.3 CR Ques 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 13 14 12

2 Where is most of the fresh water found on Earth?
1 point back

3 Where is most of the useable liquid fresh water found on Earth?
2 points back

4 What happens to most of the water that falls on land?
3 points back

5 What source replenishes ground water?
4 points back

6 Which is more porous? Well sorted sand or poorly sorted sand
5 points back

7 Which is more permeable, sandstone or shale?
6 points back

8 What is the main characteristic of an aquifer?
7 points back

9 Which type of rock is most easily dissolved in water?
8 points back

10 Which type of rock is most easily dissolved in water?
9 points back

11 A sink hole is an example of what kind of topography?
10 points back

12 Where is water closest to Earth’s surface, Stream valleys or hill tops?
11 points back

13 What does hard water usually contain?
12 points back

14 What do artesian aquifers always contain?
13 points back

15 What is a common groundwater problem in coastal areas?
14 points back

16 What percent of all water is salt water?
1 point back

17 What holds 90% of Earth’s fresh water?
2 points back

18 Most of the useable fresh water is here?
3 points back

19 What moves the atmospheric water all over Earth?
4 points back

20 What is the process called when rain enters the ground?
5 points back

21 The amount of pore space is called?
6 points back

22 What are the two zones next to the water table?
7 points back

23 What is the permeable layers through which ground water flows called?
8 points back

24 What is the ability of a substance to let water pass through it?
9 points back

25 What is gravitational water?
10 points back

26 What is capillary water?
11 points back

27 What is a major role in the formation of limestone?
1 point back

28 What do carbon dioxide and water form?
2 points back

29 What has to happen for caves to form in limestone?
3 points back

30 Some caves are not wet but...?
4 points back

31 Most caves are formed from what type of rock?
5 points back

32 A depression in the ground caused by the collapse of a cave is called a?
6 points back

33 A sink hole is an example of what kind of topography?
7 points back

34 Name three cave formations that are created by dripping water with calcium carbonate in it?
8 points back

35 What gas does the water lose as it deposits calcium carbonate?
9 points back

36 What type of limestone is found in dripstone formations?
10 points back

37 What is a natural discharge for ground water called?
1 point back

38 Explosive hot springs are called? Ex: Old Faithful
2 points back

39 What must tap into a well to obtain water?
3 points back

40 What is the difference between the original water level and the level in the pumped well?
4 points back

41 What is the act or replenishing the zone of saturation is called?
5 points back

42 What is the term for an aquifer under pressure from gravity which can spurt water into the air?
6 points back

43 What is the one common source of ground water pollution?
7 points back

44 What are two natural pollutants?
8 points back

45 How can salt water get into fresh water supplies?
9 points back

46 Where does radon originate?
10 points back

47 What type of water makes up 97% of Earth’s water supply?
1 point back

48 Of the 3% of fresh water on Earth, what percent do the ice caps make up?
2 points back

49 Of the 3% of fresh water on Earth, where is most of the usable liquid freshwater found?
3 points back

50 How many more times is there of ground water than surface fresh water?
4 points back

51 What kind of well is formed by an aquifer under pressure?
5 points back

52 The aquifer is trapped between two what?
6 points back

53 How do caves form? 7 points back

54 What is the bedrock of most caves made of?
8 points back

55 How do stalactites and stalagmites form?
9 points back

56 What is the effect of particle size on infiltration rate?
10 points back

57 What is the effect of particle size on pore space?
11 points back

58 What is the effect of particle size on water retained?
12 points back

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