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“from Letters from Rifka”

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1 “from Letters from Rifka”
Review for Test “from Letters from Rifka”

2 From Letters from Rifka
What character trait would you use to describe Nathan? Brave Was Rifka happy that Saul might have to go into the army? Yes, why?

3 He teased her. He never had a nice word to say to her.
Where was Rifka’s family going as she writes the letter? Poland

4 How does Rifka feel about her Uncle Avrum?
Grateful Why does the family decide to leave their home? To save Nathan and Saul

5 Which family member doesn’t know about the escape?
Bubbe Ruth (It is not Tovah because she hears the family whispering behind closed doors. Bubbe Ruth knows nothing.) What details predict that the guards will come to the railroad station? Nathan asks if Rifka can distract the guards

6 Why does the mother want the candlesticks?
They will be stolen by the peasants Papa decides to leave. What does this show about him? He is a caring person.

7 The family is in danger (it does not say that they will die)
In her letter, Rifka says “those who helped him, they also die,” what prediction can you make? The family is in danger (it does not say that they will die) Why isn’t Tovah allowed to hear the escape plans? (Remember: She hears them talking behind closed doors.)

8 To keep her out of danger.
Describe Rifka and Tovah’s relationship. Warm and loving Know your vocabulary words and definitions Identify present, past, and participles

9 Describe character traits of Rifka
Describe character traits of Rifka. Explain how they will help her as she and her family escape. Use details to support your answer.

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