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Week 2.

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1 Week 2

2 08/23/ Biology Get in Gear (GIG): Please review the practice biology end of course exam; what questions did you think were easy? / Difficult? Random Science Fact of the Day: If all of the viruses in the ocean were combined it would weigh more than 75 million blue whales. If lined up they would stretch past the nearest 60 galaxies.

3 Teacher Response Get in Gear (GIG): Please review the practice biology end of course exam; what questions did you think were easy? / Difficult? When I took that exam, I scored around 90% but I also went on to get a degree in Biology so it would have been sad if I got a really low grade.

4 08/23/ AP Biology Get in Gear (GIG): What were your thoughts while you were answering the practice AP Biology Test? Random Science Fact of the Day: If all of the viruses in the ocean were combined it would weigh more than 75 million blue whales. If lined up they would stretch past the nearest 60 galaxies.

5 Teacher Response Get in Gear (GIG): What were your thoughts while you were answering the practice AP Biology Test? When I was a senior in high school, I received a 3 on this exam and allowed me to skip two science classes in college. Which saved me roughly 4-5 thousand dollars.

6 AP Thought Question What do you think of or imagine when I say ‘Descent with Modification’? Please write or draw your answer in your notebook.

7 Vocab for Chapter 22: Descent with Modification
For each word, please define each vocabulary word, and draw a picture that represents it. If you cant think of a picture or example, use the books picture or look one up!!! Natural Selection, Evolutionary Adaptation, Evolution, Taxonomy, Fossil, Sedimentary Rock, Paleontology, Catastrophism, Gradualism, Uniformitarianism, Descent with Modification, Artificial Modification, Homology, Homologous Structures, Vestigial Organs, Biogeography, Endemic

8 08/24/ Biology Get in Gear (GIG): What factors affect populations growth? Random Science Fact of the Day: All the planets in the solar system would fit in the space between the Earth and the Moon.

9 Teacher Response GIG: What factors affect populations growth? Teacher Response: The factors that affect population growth is birthrate, death rate, immigration and emigration.

10 Populations Vocab For each word, please define each vocabulary word, and draw a picture that represents it. If you cant think of a picture or example, use the books picture or look one up!!! Population density, age structure, immigration, emigration, exponential growth, logistic growth, carrying capacity, limiting factor, density-dependent limiting factor, density-independent limiting factor

11 08/24/ AP Biology Get in Gear (GIG): After watching the video: What characteristic of life is demonstrated from the video? What is the name of her response and why do you think it is important for her to have that response? What body systems are involved with her response? Where do you think this response is located? Do we share this response with any other kind of life? Random Science Fact of the Day: All the planets in the solar system would fit in the space between the Earth and the Moon.

12 Teacher Response GIG: What characteristic of life is demonstrated from the video? What is the name of her response and why do you think it is important for her to have that response? What body systems are involved with her response? Where do you think this response is located? Do we share this response with any other kind of life? The characteristic of life demonstrated from the video is response to stimuli. The name of her response is fight or flight and it allows her body to prepare for combat or escape. The body systems involved with this response are nervous, endocrine, muscular, and skeletal. The response is located in our DNA(Certain Genes), so if other life has the same section of DNA; it would produce a result that is very similar.

13 Chapter 22 Biological Concept Map
In this activity, please go to a new sheet of paper in your notebook. You will create your own concept map using the vocabulary you defined yesterday and using the following concepts. I want you to organize and connect the vocabulary terms with the concepts related to natural selection together in your own way. Try to use the concepts as context for the vocabulary to fit into. Concepts related to Natural Selection Descent with Modification Vocab Adaptation Environment Natural selection Genetic variation Mutation Species Population Natural Selection, Evolutionary Adaptation, Evolution, Taxonomy, Fossil, Sedimentary Rock, Paleontology, Catastrophism, Gradualism, Uniformitarianism, Descent with Modification, Artificial Modification, Homology, Homologous Structures, Vestigial Organs, Biogeography, Endemic

14 08/25/2017 Biology GIG: How do ecologists study populations?
Random Science Fact of the Day: The group of O blood is the oldest blood on Earth (For Humans) and dates back to 40,000 BC.

15 Teacher Response GIG: How do ecologists study populations?
Teacher Response: Ecologists study populations’ geographic range, density and distribution, growth rate, and age structure.

16 Populations Concept Map
In this activity, please go to a new sheet of paper in your notebook. You will create your own concept map using the vocabulary you defined yesterday and using the following concepts. I want you to organize and connect the vocabulary terms with the concepts related to natural selection together in your own way. Try to use the concepts as context for the vocabulary to fit into. Concepts related to Population Growth Populations Vocab Describing Populations Population Growth Exponential Growth Logistic Growth Population density, age structure, immigration, emigration, exponential growth, logistic growth, carrying capacity, limiting factor, density-dependent limiting factor, density-independent limiting factor

17 08/25/ AP Biology Get in Gear (GIG): From the reading, what were the two main points that Darwin argued in his book? How do paleontologists impact ideas about evolution? What did Lamarck correctly theorize about evolution? Random Science Fact of the Day: The group of O blood is the oldest blood on Earth (For Humans) and dates back to 40,000 BC.

18 Teacher Response Get in Gear (GIG): From the reading, what were the two main points that Darwin argued in his book? How do paleontologists impact ideas about evolution? What did Lamarck correctly theorize about evolution? Darwin's two main points from On the Origin of Species was that many organisms alive today are related to ancestral species and that the evolutionary process that changes species is natural selection. The study of fossils creates a fossil record so scientists can observe how organisms change throughout the rock strata. The fossil record show ancestral forms and how current organisms have changed and or how they are similar. Lamarck correctly theorized that evolutionary change explains the fossil record and organisms adaptations to their environment.

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