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Enhancing the impact of Research using Theatre and Digital Media Gillian Hundt, Claudette Bryanston and Isis Media Santé Theatre Warwick Warwick Medical.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing the impact of Research using Theatre and Digital Media Gillian Hundt, Claudette Bryanston and Isis Media Santé Theatre Warwick Warwick Medical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing the impact of Research using Theatre and Digital Media Gillian Hundt, Claudette Bryanston and Isis Media Santé Theatre Warwick Warwick Medical School June 2016

2 Rationale for using theatre and digital media to enhance research impact
Peer reviewed papers have limited reach Theatre can stimulate public debate and dialogue Funders interested in impact, benefit, and public engagement with science Provides material if well evaluated for impact case studies


4 Over a Decade of Collaboration
Academy and the Arts since 2005 as Santé Theatre Warwick 4 plays from different research projects Isis Media collaboration on two plays: Passing On Cracked


6 Ways for utilising Applied Theatre –
Data Collection / Problem framing Data Validation Dissemination/Knowledge Transfer Enhancing impact

7 SASPI Applied Theatre

8 Inside View ESRC research on dilemmas of prenatal genetic screening
Wellcome funded People Award. Team - social scientists, media technologist, biochemist, midwife academic, theatre director and writer

9 Passing On – decision making in end of life care
Research – Interviews with bereaved relatives and health professionals in district hospital on pathways of end of life care Play using verbatim text Use of puppet to represent the dying person Touring with post show discussions Trailer for DVDs available working with Isis Media

10 Ethics Data collected 6 years previously without ethics permission for use in play – applied for permission for play Wrote to all interviewees re inclusion Invited all interviewees to performances Impact of the performance on audience

11 Evaluation 8 touring performances – Nottingham Birmingham, Warwick, London 237 post show evaluations from theatre practitioners, health professionals and carers and theatregoers 6 months follow up on with under 10 responses

12 Samples of Feedback Regular Theatregoers
“The puppet was very effective – moved like an elderly person. I found the piece difficult to watch because of a close link to a family situation. But I think this is good because it will be the case for many people and will raise awareness,” “It encouraged me to want to talk about death more in my personal life and work,”

13 Samples of feedback Health professional NHS Manager
“The play would definitely be great to educate people (health professionals) on how to care for dying people and their families. The puppet was really realistic and the actors portrayed life really well.” NHS Manager “Very well acted and produced. The issues raised in the play and post show discussion were thought provoking and will make me consider these issues and where necessary ensure that these difficult questions and conversations are had in good time before death.”

14 Cracked Developed from research on help seeking for psychosis (NIHR Enrich Programme Grant Singh et al) Toured in the Midlands and Scotland Digital Media outputs Films on psychosis, documentary, play and post show discussion

15 Evaluation Data Set Evaluation forms after performances
Recorded post show discussions Recorded Interviews with young people involved in the play and their peers after screening of the film (4 groups) (Transcribed but not yet analysed)

16 Digital Resources from Isis Media with ESRC Impact Account Award
Trailers Promotional Material for Cracked National Tour Documentary (approx. 25 minutes) about the ‘making of’ the play What is Psychosis? An accessible 5 minute film about psychosis Cracked: The Play A full, multi-camera recording of the play Cracked: Q & A discussion

17 Metrics to June 2016 YouTube Twitter Facebook
Watch minutes = 3,136 minutes Shares = 32 Views = 927 Twitter 369 followers with 4,805 impressions in last 28 days Facebook 175 likes


19 What is required for this type of collaboration?
Trust and mutual respect Funding - £50-70,000 per production Time Evaluation of impact


21 Emergent field – innovative practice for enhancing impact
Papers are cited and included in systematic reviews and edited books Can strengthen research fellowships, project or programme grants in terms of impact and benefit Evaluation of impact in terms of knowledge and behaviour remains challenging Partnership and trust are key

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