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Results Questionnaire working hours

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1 Results Questionnaire working hours
September 2017

2 Country: Netherlands Czech republic Romania Poland Slovakia Portugal
Italy Austria Slovenia Netherlands Poland Slovakia France Belgium Spain Bulgaria Cyprus

3 How is the number of working hours defined in your country/region?

4 How many hours are you maximally allowed to work per week?

5 How many days do doctors usally work a week?

6 Do doctors work more hours per week than (most) other employees?

7 What is the average age of colleagues in your country/region?

8 How is the ratio between the number of male and female doctors in your country/region?

9 Do salaried doctors in your country work on a schedule?

10 Is the schedule determined by the employer?

11 14 Who can change the schedule?

12 Can doctors choose from different work schedules established by the employer?

13 Can doctors adjust their working hours within certain limits, for example by using flexible working hours?

14 How many hours do doctors usually work a day?

15 How is the average number of hours worked calculated?

16 Is it allowed in your country to deviate from the maximum working hours per week?

17 Is overtime compensated for salaried doctors?

18 If you answered "yes"at question "is overtime compensated for salaried doctors", how is overtime compensated?

19 Specifications Both money & free time according possibility Depending on remuneration model; with financial compensation or with free time Depending on the remuneration model; with financial compensation or with free time Only doctors working on part-time basis can be compensated for the extra hours worked It is possible to choose from both - Free time or money No more salary It varies from one employer to another Overtime is compensated depending who is the employer The overtime is put on a Time Saving Account giving free time or payement of this overtime (the consultant is choosing)

20 Is compensatory rest mandatory immediately after the night shifts?

21 Is compensatory rest time regarded as working time?

22 Are standby duties (no presence required) considered as working time?

23 Differently in some speciallities (surgery..) yes, others no
Specifications Differently in some speciallities (surgery..) yes, others no Only if physically present in the hospital. It depends on the employer Only hours really worked

24 What grounds apply for exemption from doing shifts?

25 What is the legal retirement age in your country/region?

26 Are there circumstances under which early retirement is possible?

27 Is there a time available for professional development during working hours?

28 If you answered "yes" to question "is there a time available for professional development during working hours", please specify how many working days per year:

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