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Mrs. Nelson, Math Teacher

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Nelson, Math Teacher"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Nelson, Math Teacher
Algebra I and Geometry, Pre AP

2 I am looking forward to the year. I hope you are too!
Welcome to HFHS I am looking forward to the year. I hope you are too!

3 Class Rules Arrive to class on time and prepared. Books, paper, something to write with, a good attitude, and a willingness to learn and teach others. No Cell Phones Listen, Follow directions the first time they are given. Be respectful of everyone. Your peers, teachers, and yourself! ALWAYS put your name, the date, the period and the assignment on your paper! Enter the room with GRIT and a growth mindset. What????? More to come about this.

4 Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
Angela Lee Duckworth

5 Growth Mindset. What is it?
Growth mindset by Carol Dweck

6 Cell Phones Absolutely NO Cell Phones in class.
Hallways: No cell phones or headphones. All teachers will be looking for this. When someone tells you to remove them, do so immediately. When a cell phone is collected, your parents will have to come pick it up.

7 Materials you will need:
A notebook with 3 dividers Loose leaf paper Pencils Markers, colored pencils, or color pens

8 Nelson Necessaries Every paper must have your full name, the date, the period and the assignment written at the top of the page, right hand side. There is no shortcut!!!! Go between classes. This is why you have 5 minute passing periods. Make it a priority.

9 Books, assignments, seating, make up work,
We will be using the Springboard books. Each one of you will be given a book. It is yours to keep. Put your name on all 3 sides of the book, in marker. You can write in it, make notes in it, and leave it in class if you do not need to take it home for homework. Assignments will be put in the basket labeled with your period number on it. Example: Second period goes in basket with 2 on it. There will be seating charts. Make up work will go in a designated basket, 1 for Algebra, 1for Geometry.

10 First day on the job School is your job! You spend 7 hours per day at school. In real life, that is equivalent to a part-time job. What are job expectations? (same as school) Get to work on time Follow workplace rules and dresscode Do the work! Stay off your phone, keep socializing to a minimum.

11 Musts Just like in life, there are certain things your have to take care of: School Real Life Homework Bills Getting missed work Responsibilities Tests Keeping your job Moving to the next grade level Moving up the ladder

12 Paycheck/Salary Your salary for all the hard work you do is grades. Keeping up with your bills (homework and quizzes/tests) keeps you in good financial (educational) standing. At the end of the year if you have taken care of business in a timely and responsible manner, you receive credits which lead to a diploma and making more real life money. says Ms. Reed And I agree!

13 Questions? cheating Fire Drill Dress code What do you wonder?
What else might you need to know?

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