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September 16, 2014 Facilitator: Andrea Barraugh

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1 September 16, 2014 Facilitator: Andrea Barraugh
Welcome Back! PUSD Math Leadership September 16, 2014 Facilitator: Andrea Barraugh

2 Goals Extend your Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT: content and pedagogy). Deepen your understanding of how children learn mathematics. Build on your understanding of the Common Core content and practice standards. Further develop your leadership toolkit.

3 Reflecting Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. -Kierkegaard 8:10

4 August 14 PD Day Quickwrite: What went well? What did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about your colleagues?

5 Table Talk Share your reflections. What are the common themes? 8:20

6 Moving On Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. -Albert Einstein 8:44

7 District Instructional Leader in TK-5 Math
ESSENTIAL JOB RESPONSIBILITIES Work with Math TOSA to create/revise core grade level resources which may include: performance tasks, trimester assessments, math scope and sequence, modules of professional learning, Progress Report, and units of study which include scope and sequence and web based/print resources Participate in regularly scheduled monthly release days Work with principal, coach and Professional Learning Facilitator to communicate, facilitate professional learning and support implementation of the resources Other duties as needed

8 Site Professional Learning Facilitator in TK-5 Math
ESSENTIAL JOB RESPONSIBILITIES Contribute to a learning community conducive to the best teaching practices and success of every student Provide input to site principal and coach to come to consensus to develop a professional development plan/calendar Assist grade level teams in planning and facilitating units of study with support of math coach and site principal Participate in regularly scheduled monthly release days Share knowledge and instructional strategies gained from monthly release days with staff. Other duties as needed

9 Agenda Morning Afternoon 8:00 Opening Investigating Math Structure
Break Procedural Fluency 11:30 Lunch 12: Transforming Tasks Break Regional Collaboration Personal Reflections 3: End

10 12 Ways to Get to 11 Read it (or part of it)
Record ways as we read Or let participants begin to think about it without any guidance. 9 + 2 6 + 5 1 + 10

11 Table Talk How might you use this book as a springboard to a rich math task? What might the tasks look like at different grade levels? For K-2 you can choose a smaller number. For 3-5 you can extend the problem by choosing a larger number, and/or looking for patterns as you explore each number.

12 How many ways to get to 4? How are your organizing your work so you know you have found all the ways? What tools might be useful to help you keep track or to discover structure? Addition only More than 2 addends is okay Do not use zero. (4 is just “4”, not 4 + 0) On tables provide Cuisenaire Rods, cm grid paper, blank paper, unifix cubes On the board, if students offer things like t-tables – list them.

13 12 Ways? How many ways do you think there are to get to 11? What questions do you have? Getting into the problem Clarify – addition only, more than two addends okay, don’t use zero (because it gets confusing when people try to do things like ).

14 The Investigation (Individual think time first, then partner work)
Your Job Find all the possible ways to make 11 Addition only Counting numbers only More than 2 addends is okay Do not use zero. As you work, consider . . . How will you organize your work? What underlying structure can you find? How might structure help you find patterns and simplify the problem?

15 Processing the Experience
What did you discover? How did finding patterns and underlying structure help you? How did you model with mathematics?

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