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Presentation on theme: "IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER"— Presentation transcript:

DCN: Title: Report on for Date Submitted: January 15, 2015 Contributed to IEEE on January 15, 2015 Authors or Source(s):   Clint Chaplin (Imagicon) Abstract: This document is the report on

2 IEEE 802.21 presentation release statements
This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as stated in Section 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board bylaws < and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development

3 802.11 Groups 802.11ah – Sub-1GHz 802.11ai – Fast Link Setup
Sub-1GHz Operation 802.11ai – Fast Link Setup Speed up initial link setup 802.11aj – CMMW Chinese Millimeter Wave 802.11ak – General Link Enhancements For Transit Links Within Bridged Networks 802.11aq – Pre-Association Discovery Pre-Association Discovery 802.11ax - High Efficiency Wireless (HEW) 802.11mc – New Maintenance group (compilation of all approved amendments) Working towards

4 IEEE 802.11 Standards Pipeline
May 2011 doc.: IEEE /0483r0 IEEE Standards Pipeline 802.11 -2016 802.11 -2012 MAC 802.11AK GLK 802.11aa Video Transport 802.11AQ PAD 802.11ae QoS Mgt Frames 802.11ai FILS WNG NGP 802.11ax HEW ah < 1Ghz 802.11af TVWS 802.11ac VHT 5GHz NG60 802.11aj CMMW 802.11ad VHT 60 GHz MAC & PHY Discussion Topics Sponsor Ballot Published Amendment Published Standard Study groups TG without Approved draft WG Letter Ballot January 2015 Adrian Stephens 4 Page 4 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

5 TGah Less than 1GHz TGah has completed all comment resolution of the Letter Ballot 205 for Draft 3.0 14/1372 LB205 Comment Spreadsheet Instructed the editor to generate Draft 4.0 Going out for recirculation letter ballot after this meeting Yongho Seok 5

6 802.11 TGai Fast Initial Authentication
Compete all of 999 comments resolution of WG LB204 Resolved 551 comments total this week Approve to forward the draft D4.0 to WG recirc LB Hiroshi Mano 6

7 TGaj China MM-Wave Not meeting this week. Xiaoming PENG 7

8 802.11 TGak General Link Beginning Status Accomplishments
Started with 6 comments (6%) remaining, plus 4 other issues – We saved the hard ones for last, of course! Accomplishments Received and discussed the submissions listed on the next page. Resolved 3 comments, and 4 issues. Opened 1 new issue Met jointly with and ARC SC Thursday AM1. A D0.07 will be produced will the resolved comments An annotated agenda is in 11-14/1589r6. Ending Status 3 comments (3%) remain. 1 other issue Mark Hamilton 8

9 802.11 TGaq Pre-Association Discovery
Comment Collection Editor created D0.04 from CC21 Letter Ballot Worked on D0.05 together with various new submissions this week Decided to go to a 30 day Working Group letter ballot Motions in r0 Stephen McCann 9

10 802.11ax High Efficiency Wireless (HEW)
Ad-hoc group chairs selected MAC PHY Multiuser Spatial Reuse Passed a number of motions affecting the TG specification Framework PHY numerology Inclusion of legacy preamble Multiplexing of acknowledgements to UL MU transmissions. Etc. Approved new revisions of Simulation Scenarios and Evaluation Methodology TG documents. Other TG documents Several technical documents presented Osama Aboul-Magd

11 802.11 TGmc 802.11 Accumulated Maintenance Changes
Completed processing comments received in LB 202 – Second recirculation (779 comments, approximately 400 editorial) Going out for recirculation after this meeting Dorothy Stanley 11

12 802.11 NG60 Next Generation 60GHz Study Group
6 submissions were covered during the meeting covering areas related to: Technical Draft PAR and CSD proposals Reviewed the Study Group timeline. Approved motions on PAR and CSD. Edward Au 12

13 802.11 NGP Next Generation Positioning Study Group
4 submissions were covered during the meeting on the following areas: Draft PAR Use cases Technical feasibility Reviewed the Study Group timeline. SG chair elections. Jonathan Segev 13

14 802.11 WNG Wireless Next Generation SC
One presentation at January 2015 meeting GNURadio and WLAN research ( wng-gnuradio-and-wlan-research.ppt) – Jim Lansford Clint Chaplin 14

15 Regulatory SC Group decided to continue proactive regulatory work
Discussed regulatory issues, but no external actions required DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team will continue meeting to complete: A survey of opinions on the two proposals Report to the FCC Report for WG approval to send report and vote on the proposals Discussed NGMN liaison letter and decided to reply that we will review their March white paper and send comments Rich Kennedy

16 Architecture SC Architecture work MIB Design Pattern work item
Discussed REVmc’s Figure 5-1, and clarifying the arrows in the role-specific following figures. Will continue this, targetting REVmc Sponsor Ballot for a proposal. MIB Design Pattern work item Considered guidance found in SNMP RFCs. Concluded four design patterns, in concept. Will write these up off-line, for next time Will start to scrub existing usage for any missing patterns next time IETF/802 coordination update No news Joint meeting with TGak, and 802.1 Discussed concepts shared between ak and 801.1Qbz. Refined some architectural pictures and concepts. Those groups will continue this in teleconferences. Mark Hamilton 16


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