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Human Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Systems

2 The Human Circulatory System

3 Human Circulation Double Loop
Systemic Pulmonary Transport of materials (oxygen, nutrients, hormones, waste) throughout body

4 Types of blood vessels Arteries (arterioles) Veins (venules)

5 Human Heart 4 chambers: Atrium (left and right)
Ventricles (left and right)

6 Blood flow through the heart
Blood flows from the body to the heart via the vena cava Large veins connecting body to right atrium Right atrium enters right ventricle via the right AV valve (atrioventricular)

7 Blood flow through the heart
Right ventricle pumps blood through pulmonary arteries and to the lungs (pulmonary circuit) Lungs return blood (oxygenated) to left atrium via the pulmonary veins

8 Blood flow through the heart
Left atrium pumps blood into left ventricle via the left AV valve Left ventricle pumps blood to body via the aorta

9 Heart Actions Systole Diastole Contraction
Depends on which part of the heart Atrial systole Ventricular systole Diastole Relaxation Atrial diastole Ventricular diastole

10 Regulation of Heart SA Node (pacemaker of heart) AV Node
Sinoatrial node Near right atrium AV Node Atrioventricular node Coordinate contraction of ventricles together AND after the atria Bundle of His takes signal to ventricles

11 Regulation of the Heart

12 The Human Excretory System

13 Kidneys Major organ of excretion
Bean shaped organs along vertebrae near thoracic/lumbar spine 2 regions: Cortex Medulla


15 Blood Supply to Kidneys
Renal arteries Blood enters kidneys to be filtered Renal veins Blood leaves kidneys to return to the heart, lungs

16 Kidneys and Excretion Excrete liquid waste through the ureters
Ureters empty into the urinary bladder Kidneys produce urine Urea – amino acid breakdown Uric acid – nucleic acid breakdown

17 Nephron Functional unit of the kidney
Bowman’s capsule – enlarged, cup-like structure with blood vessels (glomerulus) – within the cortex Proximal tubule Loop of Henle Distal tubule Collecting duct

18 The Nephron

19 From the nephron… Collecting duct (containing urine) dumps into ureters Ureters to urinary bladder Once bladder is full, will empty into exterior of body

20 Control of Kidney Function
Antidiuretic hormone

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