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PARALLELISM Designed by – Anudeep Bedi,13654 Nitin Bibra,12448


3 Parallelism The term of parallelism refers to a series of two or more elements of the same grammatical type, usually joined by a coordinating conjunction. For example- I love reading good books, going to the ballet, and watching documentaries on television. There are three parallel gerund phrases serving objects of the verb love. (Gerund -A noun formed from a verb (such as the '-ing' form of an English verb when used as a noun)

4 Faulty Parallelism When we join two or more elements together with a coordinating conjunction but the elements are not of the same grammatical category , then we made an error called faulty parallelism. Example– Donald loves eating pizza and to watch returns of “Dinosaur”. ( eating pizza is a gerund phrase, while to watch returns of “Dinosaur” is an infinitive phrase) (Infinitive= to + base form of verb )

5 Faulty Parallelism To eliminate the faulty parallelism , we can do either of two things: 1.We can use parallel gerund phrases: Donald loves eating pizza and watching returns of “Dinosaur”. 2. We can use parallel infinitive phrases: Donald loves to eat pizza and to watch returns of “Dinosaur”. The best way to monitor faulty parallelism is to make sure that the grammatical structure on the right hand side of the coordinating conjunction is matched by an identical structure on the left hand side of the coordinating conjunction.

6 EXAMPLE (the three elements are not actually parallel)
Mickey needed to go to outside, check the mail and to bring in the paper. X (the three elements are not actually parallel) Make three parallel verb phrases: Mickey needed to go outside, check the mail and bring in the paper. 2. Make three parallel infinitives: Mickey needed to go outside, to check the mail and to bring in the paper.

7 EXAMPLE Minnie always takes her briefcase, her cell phone and Blackberry to the office. X Minnie always takes her briefcase , her cell phone and her Blackberry to the office. Minnie always takes her briefcase , cell phone and Blackberry to the office.

8 From the contact form on the White House’s website
This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. What kind of error is in the above sentence?

9 From the contact form on the White House’s website
RIGHT! Faulty Parallelism This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and for preventing automated spam submissions.

10 This is PARALLELISM: A sign inside an elevator:
4500 lbs or 2800 kg or 28 persons

11 These sentences contain unparallel items.
This is a report that Savanna researched, Pat wrote, and the editing was done by Justin. Savanna researched :: Who does what/ Subject noun- Verb Active Pat wrote :: who does what/ / Subject noun- Verb Active the editing was done by Justin :: What was done by who/ Object-Verb passive-by Noun Now, everything is the same. This is a report that Savanna researched, Pat wrote, and Justin edited. Pat wrote :: Who does what/ Subject noun- Verb Active Justin edited :: Who does what/ Subject noun- Verb Active

12 These sentences contain unparallel items.
Rather than arrive late for the show, she decided either to cut short her previous engagement or to reschedule it. to cut short her previous engagement  :: to + Verb + NP to reschedule it :: to + Verb + NP Now, everything is the same. Rather than arrive late for the show, she decided either to cut short her previous engagement or she should reschedule it. to cut short her previous engagement :: to + Verb + NP she should reschedule it :: NP + Verb + NP

13 PARALLELISM How to maintain parallelism in sentences: make sure everything has the same grammatical structure.

14 Everything must be the same.
NO SMOKING, DRINKING, OR FOOD NO SMOKING, DRINKING, OR EATING NO + V1-ing, V2-ing, or V3-ing where the V-ing is a gerund

15 If everything is not the same . . .
Jason is not only the captain of the soccer team but the president of SGA. NOTE: This is an error in the use of correlative conjunction- not only...but also. The NPs they conjoin are parallel::the+N+of+NP He was black, gay, and grew up in poverty, but none of these things determined who he was or limited what he did. He was Adj, Adj, and VP (grew up in poverty)...V-ed + Indirect question or V-ed+ indirect question

16 Everything is the same. Jason is not only the captain of the soccer team but also the president of SGA. He was black, gay, and poor, but none of these things determined who he was or limited what he did. He was Adj, Adj, and Adj...V-ed + Indirect question or V-ed+ indirect question

17 Common Conjunctions in Parallel Items
Coordinating Conjunctions: fanboys For And Nor But Or Yet So Correlative Conjunctions Either or Neither nor Both and Not only but also Whether or

18 When you’re proofreading . . .
Look for the conjunction: AND Then match the left and right side of the conjunction: Not a match: black, gay, and grew up in poverty A match: black, gay, and poor He was black, gay, and poor, but none of these things determined who he was or limited what he did.

19 Parallelism in Compounds with Correlatives
Ora spent the entire trip either arguing with me or with Virginia. either V-ing with NP1 or with NP2 The proposed exam will not only affect curricula but provide uniform standards of assessment. Error in the use of not only...but also Ora spent the entire trip arguing either with me or with Virginia. V-ing either with NP1 or with NP2 The proposed exam will not only affect curricula but also provide uniform standards of assessment. Error corrected

20 Remember to use “not only” with “but also,” not just “but.”
INCORRECT I always liked going to church not only as an obligation but as an opportunity to wear my new clothes. CORRECT I always liked going to church not only as an obligation but also as an opportunity to wear my new clothes.

21 Parallelism in Series We need a plumber, plasterer, and someone to paint. ... a N1, N2, and NP Our vacation included camping, canoeing, and to watch birds. ...Gerund1, Gerund2, and to + Verb + Noun We need a plumber, plasterer, and painter. ... a N1, N2, and N3 Our vacation included camping, canoeing, and bird-watching. ...Gerund1, Gerund2, and Gerund3

22 Parallelism with Words
WRONG: This proposal is profitable, timely, and it helps us. RIGHT: This proposal is profitable, timely, and helpful.

23 Parallelism with Phrases
WRONG: A good attitude, being on time, and speaking effectively are her attributes. RIGHT: Having a good attitude, being on time, and speaking effectively are her attributes.

24 Parallelism with Clauses
WRONG: Did you know that you have a purpose, that you are needed, and we love you? ...that you Vactive...that you Vpassive, and we Vactive... RIGHT: Did you know that you have a purpose, that we need and love you? ...that you Vactive...that we need (Vactive)..., and Vactive...

25 A FEW REMINDERS… “Not only” NEEDS “but also,” NOT JUST “but” EXAMPLE:
Vitamin A is found not only in vegetables but in eggs and butter. Vitamin A is found not only in vegetables but also in eggs and butter.

Learn about your community: its strengths, its challenges, its organizations, and its people.

27 LET’S PRACTICE!!! Many gases are invisible, odorless, and they have no taste. Many gases are invisible, odorless, and tasteless. Mr. Foster is not only an excellent barber but also sings well. Mr. Foster is not only an excellent barber but also a good singer.

28 I will either meet you in the lobby or come to your room.
LET’S PRACTICE!!! Either I will meet you in the lobby or come to your room. I will either meet you in the lobby or come to your room. He said that he would arrive late and I shouldn’t start the rehearsal without him. He said that he would arrive late and that I shouldn’t start the rehearsal without him.

Three of the steps in filing are coding, sorting, and to store. Three of the steps in filing are coding, sorting, and storing. Without federal taxes, we would have neither an army or a navy. Without federal taxes, we would have neither an army nor a navy.

His books are timely, well-written, and a real challenge. His books are timely, well-written, and challenging. The car needs to be tuned up, air in the tires, and the oil needs to be changed. The car needs a tune-up, air in the tires, and an oil change.

31 EXERCISE- Correcting Faulty Parallelism
Each of the following sentences has faulty parallelism. Rewrite the sentence to restore parallel balance. 1) Gerard’s counselor suggested that he should either consider working at a state environmental agency or taking a position with a not-for-profit green organization. 2) We’ve told you about the bombs, the fires, the smashed houses, and how the people were courageous. 3) The young boys ran down the hill, somersaulted across the lawn, and into the lake. 4) The duties of his job include keeping financial records, to prepare accurate reports, and participating in departmental meetings.

32 ANSWER 1) Gerard’s counselor suggested that he should consider either working at a state environmental agency or taking a position with a not-for-profit green organization. 2) We’ve told you about the bombs, the fires, the smashed houses, and the courageous people. 3) The young boys ran down the hill, somersaulted across the lawn, and jumped into the lake. 4) The duties of his job include keeping financial records, preparing accurate reports, and participating in departmental meetings.

33 EXERCISE 5) A national task force on education recommended improving public education by making the school day longer, raising teacher salaries, and increase integration of technology into the curriculum. 6) We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and so we can secure the Blessings of liberty to ourselves and to Posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution of the United States of America. 7) The designers of the new skyscraper were careful to consider not only aesthetics but also were concerned about safety. 8) The poll showed that most voters wanted more to hear the candidate’s positions on the issues than listening to the candidate talk about “patriotism” and “moral values.”

34 ANSWER 5) A national task force on education recommended improving public education by making the school day longer, raising teacher salaries, and integrating more technology into the curriculum. 6) We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of liberty to ourselves and to Posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution of the United States of America. 7) The designers of the new skyscraper were careful to consider not only aesthetics but also safety. 8) The poll showed that most voters wanted more to hear the candidate’s positions on the issues than to listen to the candidate’s views on “patriotism” and “moral values.”


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