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Spring Staffing Process: (March 1 to mid-June)
Pg 1 STAFFING CYCLE Spring Staffing Process: (March 1 to mid-June) Leave/Retirements/Resignations, Allocations System Redundancies, School-Based Surplus, Creating SLOA & Amending Recall Lists, Vacancies, 2 Placement Meetings, Displacement Process Vacancies outside of Spring Staffing: (mid-June to next Spring) Leave/Retirements/Resignations, Extra Allocations, Amending SLOA & Recall Lists Vacancies
Recall List vs SLOA List Rights extended to 3 years effective
Pg 2 Recall List vs SLOA List TRANSITION Effective Sept 1, 2015, rights to recall (Recall List) extended from 2 years to 3 years upon date of ratification, all teachers partially on recall will be removed from Recall List and placed on SLOA List A Teacher cannot appear on the Recall List and SLOA List at the same time RECALL LIST Rights extended to 3 years effective Sept 1, 2015 RECALL LIST Other ways to be removed from the Recall List: on the written request of the teacher; or if during the Spring Staffing process, the teacher's seniority is within the range of final FTE eligible to be staffed whereby the teacher shall be fully staffed at their home school, subject to surplus/redundancy; or after expiration of the teacher’s right to recall (Oct 15, 3 years from when placed on Recall List). SLOA SLOA Teachers on SLOA List shall be considered fully staffed in their home school up to the extent of their entitlement for the upcoming Spring Staffing Process, subject to System Based Redundancies
Vacancies outside of Spring Staffing
Pg 3 Vacancies outside of Spring Staffing 1. ANY teacher on the seniority list can apply to vacant sections. Teachers can transfer, and/or be considered for sections to remove them from SLOA/Recall, and/or increase their teaching time if they are part-time SENIOR I TY L I ST RECALL SLOA 2. Process to fill vacant sections: filled by order of seniority: a) provided the teacher is qualified or deemed qualified; and/or b) provided mutual consent has been granted to teachers on SLOA or teachers wishing to increase their entitlement B. Consideration shall be given to other internal candidates who have applied to the vacancies before considering any external applicant (NB – “Rights to Originating School” no longer part of the process) Vacant Sections ApplytoEducation Same application process: sections, preferences, “min”, mutual consent, etc 3. If a teacher is placed in a position not to the extent of their entitlement, the teacher shall be placed or remain on the SLOA List for the balance of that teacher's entitlement
Spring Staffing Process: (March 1 to mid-June)
Pg 4 2016 Spring Staffing STAFFING CYCLE Spring Staffing Process: (March 1 to mid-June) Leave/Retirements/Resignations, Allocations System Redundancies, School-Based Surplus, Creating SLOA & Amending Recall Lists, Vacancies, 2 Placement Meetings, Displacement Process Vacancies outside of Spring Staffing: (mid-June to next Spring) Leave/Retirements/Resignations, Extra Allocations, Amending SLOA & Recall Lists Vacancies
Placed or Remain on Recall List
Pg 5 System Redundancies 1. SLOA get staffed to extent of entitlement in home school. 2. LOA & “Out of School” are exempted, Retirements/resignations removed 3. JSSRC use allocation sheet to determine “FTE eligible to be staffed” (System Redundancy) remove “not-staffed” teachers RECALL Determine who is eligible to be staffed RECALL All teachers SENIOR I TY L I ST Placed or Remain on Recall List (redundant teachers) Proceed to School-Based Surplus declaration (if teacher is on Recall List, they are removed from the Recall List and “staffed”) SLOA RECALL
Pg 6 School-Based Surplus E L I G B S L O A School Staff Lists RECALL
1. Principals given numbers and eligible staff for their schools. Same process for school staffing (the “line”, mutual consent) If a TR Leger teacher has been assigned to more than one campus within the last two school years, they shall have the option to select one of those campuses as their "current campus" for the +60km placement School Staff Lists E L I G B S L O A 2. A teacher who is declared fully surplus to school shall go on the SLOA list for the amount surplus. A teacher who is declared partially surplus to school may choose to accept the assignment available should the assignment span over two semesters or accept an assignment in one semester only be fully surplus … and placed on a SLOA to the extent of the teacher’s entitlement. RECALL 3. A list of Vacancies is created for the Placement Meetings
Pg 7 2 Placement Meetings Vacancy List
1. Teachers who are not redundant (ie, not on the Recall List) can partake in the two Placement Meetings Teachers can transfer, and/or be considered for sections to remove them from SLOA, and/or increase their teaching time if they are part-time Vacancy List ApplytoEducation Same application process: sections, preferences, “min”, mutual consent, etc 2. Both placement meetings, vacant sections filled by order of seniority: a) provided the teacher is qualified or deemed qualified; and/or b) provided mutual consent has been granted to teachers on SLOA or teachers wishing to increase their entitlement 3. If a teacher is placed in a position not to the extent of their entitlement, the teacher shall be placed or remain on the SLOA List for the balance of that teacher's entitlement 4. The Vacancy List will be updated for the 2nd Placement Meeting 5. The SLOA List and individual school staff lists will be updated after each Placement Meeting
Remaining vacant sections
Pg 8 Displacement Process 1. Only teachers on the SLOA list can partake in the displacement process The General Objective of the Displacement Process has not changed: aimed to maximize the number of sections a SLOA teacher can attain (up to the extent of their entitlement); a displacement can occur if the SLOA teacher stands to gain sections compared to their current assignment; S T A F F E D An SLOA teacher will, along with available vacancies, now be given options within 4 rings instead of three: <35 km, km, km, >100 km. Vacancies will also be offered if they are Q/DQ. SLOA Teachers, by order of seniority and using the Displacement Criteria, may, up to the extent of their entitlement, only fully displace the position of the largest FTE position held by the least senior teacher(s) who has retained a position in a school(s) Displacement criteria (applies to ALL teachers): A teacher assigned to 3 areas or less may be displaced by a more senior teacher, if the more senior teacher’s qualifications or deemed qualifications (including Division, if applicable) match the areas in which the less senior teacher is assigned. A teacher assigned to 4 areas or more may be displaced by a more senior teacher, if the more senior teacher’s qualifications or deemed qualifications (including Division, if applicable) match any three of the areas in which the less senior teacher is assigned. S L O A Vacancy List Remaining vacant sections 3. The SLOA List, individual school staff lists, and vacancy list will be updated after each displacement. A displaced teacher gets put on the SLOA list.
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