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T’s lead is their strength Empathy interviews Shadowing them

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Presentation on theme: "T’s lead is their strength Empathy interviews Shadowing them"— Presentation transcript:

1 T’s lead is their strength Empathy interviews Shadowing them
Engage Them Invisible People Itinerants SLP/OT/PT Underperforming Teachers Psych New Teachers Admin Team Veteran Teachers IST Paraprofessionals Special Ed Teachers Bus Drivers SSW Stud. Teachers Conn/Spec Classified Student testimonials Stud. mentorship T’s lead is their strength Empathy interviews Shadowing them Encourage them to lead Committees/staff groups Social clubs

2 Invisible People Engage Them Itinerants Bus Driver STS Café Workers
Speech, OT, PT Clinic Assistant Cluster Nurse Social Workers EIP, Pre K, Special Ed Teachers Paraprofessionals SRO Warehouse Maintenance Highlight special accomplishments Career day Staff highlight in newsletter PBIS prep rally School activities Cafeteria workers breakfast Include in staff gifts Include in team building activities Bus driver thank you’s from students Bus driver goodie bags Spirit wear Engage -> conversations 1 on 1 Appreciation days “National Nurse’s Day” Appreciation lunch/breakfast

3 Invisible People Engage Them Cafeteria Workers Custodians Front Office Staff Itinerants Part Time School Police School Techs Bus Drivers Contract Services Invite people to lunch Make time to talk with staff Ask questions Knowing names Take pictures Bulletin board- one page descriptions “Favorite meal” Staff shirts Inviting to holiday meals Goodie bags Think about “us v. them”

4 Highly Effective Teachers Psych Music Therapy CBI Custodians Step 1
Invisible People Engage Them Café Workers Maintenance Bus Drivers Clinic Highly Effective Teachers Psych Music Therapy CBI Custodians Step 1 Problem: Don’t feel part of the team Step 2 Define the problem Step 3 Holiday collection, staff shirts for all, luncheon for all, Thanksgiving Celebration, jerseys/hats for employees, big GIANT cards, birthday cards, food truck, volunteering in cafeteria Action Plan Bus drivers luncheon and a shirt

5 Invisible People Engage Them Ask if they feel invisible SGC inclusive
Contractors SWD teachers TAG Alumni Pre-K Social Worker Itinerant Bus Drivers Paras Special Area Traffic Officer Crossing Guard Cafeteria Custodians PA’s Working Parents Substitutes Retired Teachers Tutors Business Partners Community Coaches Program Specialists Ask if they feel invisible SGC inclusive Spotlight/Highlight Monthly celebration of a variety of group In front of the staff Provide an opportunity for input Publish your leadership minutes Variety of communications The leader voice Regular check-in Varied schedule of meetings

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