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Luann Ley Davis Ph.D.  and Mary Ransdell, Ed.D.

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1 Memphis Shaping and Transforming Educators Program (M-STEP): A Teacher Licensure Program
Luann Ley Davis Ph.D.  and Mary Ransdell, Ed.D. Instruction and Curriculum Leadership University of Memphis, College of Education Every two years, the Tennessee Higher Education Commission administers the Diversity in Teaching (DIT) Program. This grant provides funds on a competitive basis, to Tennessee colleges and universities for the development of programs which increase the number of K- 12 teachers in Tennessee from underrepresented groups with a commitment to diversity as an instructional tool. awarding three to five General Competition projects up to $50,000 annually for an individual institution, with a maximum 2 year program cost of $100,000. The grant period will be from July 1, June 30, 2019. A dollar-for-dollar match is required, meaning all funds from THEC DIT grant must be directed to student support with all other services being provided in-kind.

2 What is M-STEP? This teacher licensure program has a goal of creating a strong teaching presence to address the unique challenges of the non-traditional teacher candidate participants in our urban community through web- based learning community. As a special education focused program, it includes Adaptive learning, Universal Design for Learning, and Responsive Classroom principles Dean Dr. Hill Clark, Assoc Dean Dr. Rakow, and Dr Irwin reached out to a select group of professors and staff experts with a call to create a 2 year fully supported program to address the needs of our local education agencies.

3 Why M-STEP? Lack of teachers with cultural competency to be effective with ethnically and racially diverse students. Ethnic minorities constitute the majority of public school students (U.S. Department of Education, 2016; SASS, ) Minority student enrollment is not matched by similar demographic representation among teachers (NCES, 2013). Fewer than 20% of teachers working in the field represent ethnic/racial minority (Goldring, Gray, & Bitterman, 2013). M-STEP will recruit (from SCS), train and license highly qualified teachers with the cultural competency to work with diverse learners in urban settings (e.g., interventions and strategies integrated throughout coursework, guest speakers, and embedded culturally responsive approaches). Through a strong partnership with SCS, MSTEP will play a key role to recruit / retain highly qualified special educators by collaborating with the Center for Innovative teaching and learning, Academic Advising, ELC, Distance learning, Educational Support Program Tutoring with supportive Mentoring from experienced staff, and provide an Online community to ensure teacher candidate success. Currently, SCS has a critical need for SPED teachers and very few qualified applicants to fill those vacancies. This leaves a large number of vacancies open for students with the most critical needs. The graduates of the MSTEP program will go on to be Teachers of Excellence in SPED to help fill that need.

4 What is the Goal of M-STEP?
The overall goal of the program is to provide two year successful licensure program to increase highly-effective K-12 special education professionals in Tennessee from underrepresented groups with a commitment to diversity as an instructional tool.

5 Measurable Outcomes Objective 1: Teacher Education/ Classroom knowledge: Teacher candidates will acquire the skills and knowledge through a rigorous, focused curriculum to successfully pass licensure exams needed for initial TN teacher licensure. MSTEP has 3 overarching objectives that will be measured throughout the program. The first objective is….. Since grant monies will only allow for candidates to have the first PRAXIS exam paid for, our goal is to provide sufficient support to ensure our candidates pass the exam on their FIRST try. We understand that CONTENT KNOWLEDGE PEDALOGICAL SKILLS = LICENSURE

6 The 2nd objective of MSTEP is …..
Measurable Outcomes Objective 2: Cultural Competence: Teacher candidates will learn and practice evidence-based pedagogical strategies and to teach K-12 special education, communicate with students and families, and work effectively in rich multicultural and diverse classroom environments. The 2nd objective of MSTEP is ….. Cultural Competence REACH (stud.) & TO TEACH them Culturally responsive classroom principles

7 Measurable Outcomes MSTEPS final overarching objective is….
Objective 3: Community and Persistence: Teacher candidates will develop a sense of community within their courses in a monitored online community throughout the program. This will result in increased intent to persist; in licensure and degree attainment; and employment as a K-12 special educators for SCS. MSTEPS final overarching objective is…. COMMUNITY & PERSISTENCE Since MSTEP is entirely online, a personal connection can often be lost so we have created a strong online community where teacher candidates can reach out to one another to share information, resources, challenges, and a strong sense of belonging to a select group of individuals all working towards a common goal.

8 Features of M-STEP Features: Online Extensive Tutoring options
2-year online Master of Arts in Teaching initial teacher licensure program in Special Education is enhanced by: Virtual online Professional Learning Community developed in collaboration with the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning; Targeted online /in-person tutoring specific to licensure exams; Experiential Learning Credits based on teacher experiences; Substituting appropriate prior courses for required courses; Fully online course schedule. Features: Online Extensive Tutoring options Experiential learning credit Course Substitutions Fully Online 5 and 7-week courses

9 Additional Features Relationships Coaching Continuous monitoring
M-STEP will focus on building relationships with our teacher candidates though: Academic coaching (mentoring, tutoring) Community building by including strategic evaluative measures to provide immediate remedial tutoring and counseling throughout the program Systematic monitoring M-STEP supports Tennessee’s Drive to 55. Relationships Coaching Continuous monitoring Immediate response to issues Monitoring Drive to 55

10 Beyond the Pilot: Looking to the Future
M-STEP will apply the data, experiences, and knowledge gleaned from this pilot project to our current undergraduate teacher licensure. The program will be modified to create an online undergraduate teacher licensure program to meet the needs of LEA’s and provide a more attractive program for potential BSED teacher candidates.

11 Questions? Luann Ley Davis, Ph.D. Mary Ransdell, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor of Special Education Instruction & Curriculum Leadership Mary Ransdell, Ed.D. Clinical Associate Professor Instruction & Curriculum Leadership Thank you for attending to this video Please feel free to contact Dr. Davis or Dr. Ransdell with any questions.

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