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Wednesday 27th September

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1 Wednesday 27th September
Mindfulness Wednesday 27th September

2 What is mindfulness? First, what isn’t it? Mindfulness is not:
religious linked to any cult or group limited to people of one particular ideology purely meditation

3 What is mindfulness? mindfulness, n.
1. The state or quality of being mindful; attention; †memory (obs.); †intention, purpose (obs.). 2. Esp. with reference to Yoga philosophy and Buddhism: the meditative state of being both fully aware of the moment and of being self-conscious of and attentive to this awareness; a state of intense concentration on one's own thought processes; self- awareness. - Oxford English Dictionary Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. -

4 Mindfulness in school PSHE through Jigsaw- a mindful approach
Awareness of thoughts and feelings that relate to the subject matter Calm me exercise- breathing techniques Techniques are now feeding into other parts of the school day Laughology- staff CPD to support additional ways to implement mindfulness into learning

5 Do you practise mindfulness?
Sewing Colouring in Dance class Yoga Meditation Running Swimming Crochet/knitting Playing an instrument Eating chocolate!

6 Calming activities- creating opportunities to pause
Mindfulness colouring Painting Weaving Threading Reading Knitting/sewing Walking Having a bath Baby massage

7 Breathing Deep breathing relieves stress and anxiety due to its physiological effect on the nervous system. Breathing slowly and mindfully activates the hypothalamus, connected to the pituitary gland in the brain, to send out neurohormones that inhibit stress-producing hormones and trigger a relaxation response in the body.

8 Mindfulness and Meditation- similarities and differences
They both have multiple definitions They are both intertwined in various ways Mindfulness- being aware of the present moment. Informal mindfulness is simply attempting to be more aware in everything you do. Meditation- setting aside time to do something good for you. Exercise meditation, music meditation, prayer meditation. Formal mindfulness is one of the most popular forms of meditation, but isn’t the only way to practice it.

9 Mantras

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