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Sophomore Chapter 8 Jesus Heals

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1 Sophomore Chapter 8 Jesus Heals

2 This Chapter is an examination of how Jesus’ deeds match His words
Types of works of wonder by Jesus: Healing Miracles Exorcisms Restoration of Life Nature Miracles What is the meaning of Jesus’ miracles: What did Gospel writers intend to teach about Jesus? What did Jesus intend to reveal through his miracles? How are we to understand His miracles today? Start by looking at some of Jesus’ miracles

3 Jews of Jesus’ time saw everything good in everyday life as a miracle by God and everything bad as the result of evil influence They saw as “miracles” things for which we have scientific or rational explanations There were other “miracle workers,” really healers, in Jesus time – the apostles even had run-ins with some who claimed to be more than healers – ex St. Peter vs. Simon Magnus The plight of the blind, lame, lepers, the mentally ill were so bad that any cure might be seen as “miraculous”

4 Modern Jews, depending on the sect, may still maintain their ancient views
It is possible for any rationale person to see a miracle amidst our everyday events Yes, each Gospel may not agree with the others on what miracles Jesus did, see page 178 in text Jesus’ greatest miracle, His Resurrection from the dead, was actually in line with then current Jewish thinking – go to video

5 To the Jews of Roman Judea any cure was in a sense an exorcism since evil caused the infirmity it’s removal implied the evil had been exorcised (cast out) Let’s look at videos of some of Jesus more well documented miracles Read page 184 together in class Let’s go to videos on “More Miracles” and migrate from the view of Jesus time to today Next let’s look at what Jesus’ miracles meant

6 Jesus was selective in the miracles He performed
Jesus relieved physical suffering and even restored life as proof of His love and compassion He performed exorcisms to prove the power of God Jesus often links a healing with a person’s acknowledgement of their sins and His forgiveness of that sin His nature miracles reflect God’s power as creator of all that exists Look at the list of Jesus’ miracles in the various Gospels on page 178 of your textbook

7 A faith question & a faith answer
Faith is the 1st requirement for accepting miracles The core of miracles: God’s promise of unconditional love God’s commitment to poor people & the outcasts of society God’s complete control over the power of sin & evil God’s offer of complete reconciliation God’s presence incarnated in the Jesus of history

8 The word mostly used in the synoptic Gospels for miracles and cure is power
In John’s Gospel the most common descriptor is sign Jesus’ Special Signs: The healing miracles - Compassion The casting out of demons – Extent of God’s Power The forgiveness of sins – deeper and more important than healing the body The nature miracles – God’s Power

9 Understanding Jesus the Miracle Worker
He refused any designation as a “magician” or “Biblical superman” He worked miracles almost reluctantly It is notable that people He cured He told to tell no one He became mad at people who expected miracles as proof of His power He did not want His miracles to cloud His message about His Father’s Kingdom Once people believe in Him, those people are liberated from sin and legalism

10 *** End of Chapter 8 PowerPoint ***

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