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Do now: After Napoleon Due Now: French Revolution Project

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1 Do now: After Napoleon Due Now: French Revolution Project
Turn in your completed project to the tray near the door Answer the following question in 3-5 complete sentences Imagine you live in Europe in Now that Napoleon has been exiled from France (for good this time), what do you think should happen to the French empire? Why?

2 The Congress of vienna Objective:
Describe goals of the Congress of Vienna and identify changes made in Europe as a result of the Congress.

3 Europe 1812

4 The Congress of Vienna (sept. 1, 1814-June 9, 1815)

5 Goals A series of international meetings to secure peace in Europe
Prevent future French aggression Legitimacy (hereditary right to rule)—Restore Europe’s royal families to the thrones they had prior to Napoleon Protect absolutism (power in one ruler) Stifle revolution

6 REview What was the congress of Vienna? What were the goals of the Congress of Vienna? What is legitimacy? What is absolutism?

7 Members & representatives
Five “Great Powers” Russia Prussia Austria Great Britain France The “Host” Prince Klemens von Metternich (Austria)

8 Tsar Alexander I (Russia)
Foreign Minister, Viscount Castlereagh (Britain) King Frederick William III (Prussia) Foreign Minister, Charles Maurice de Tallyrand (France)

9 Changes made at Vienna Containment of France
France was deprived of all territory conquered by Napoleon Made countries around France stronger New boundaries Russia given most of Duchy of Warsaw (Poland) Switzerland—independent nation; neutrality was guaranteed German Confederation of 39 states was created Protect Absolutism Concert of Europe—alliances to help each other if revolutions broke out

10 Pair-Share What were the changes in Europe made at the Congress of Vienna?

11 Europe 1812

12 Europe after the congress of vienna

13 Review Take out a piece of paper – you may split it in half and share it with your neighbor. Answer the following: What was one goal of the Congress of Vienna? What was one change in Europe as a result of the Congress of Vienna? You must turn this in to me on your way out the door!

14 legacy Short-term Long-term Balance of power=time of peace
Political triumph 1st time European powers had cooperated No one was left out Long-term Diminished the power of France Increased power of Great Britain & Prussia Spread of Nationalism Increase in Democratic ideas around the world

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