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8th IWA Specialist Group Conference on Waste Stabilization Ponds - Belo Horizonte/MG , April 2009 Trickling filters: Alternative for Ammonia Removal from.

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Presentation on theme: "8th IWA Specialist Group Conference on Waste Stabilization Ponds - Belo Horizonte/MG , April 2009 Trickling filters: Alternative for Ammonia Removal from."— Presentation transcript:

1 8th IWA Specialist Group Conference on Waste Stabilization Ponds - Belo Horizonte/MG , April 2009
Trickling filters: Alternative for Ammonia Removal from Stabilization Pond System Effluent Mônica Medeiros Frederico de Almeida Lage Filho Humberto Carlos Ruggeri Roque Passos Piveli

2 Introduction Hundreds of active Stabilization Ponds in Brazil However they don´t have nutrient removal capabilities and don´t meet discharge standards. Atractive alternative is ponding system effluent application in agriculture: “fertirrigation”. During wet weather periods effluent application into agricultural soils is troublesome  need for post-treatment of ponding system effluent.

3 Intro (continued) One option for post-treatment of ponding system effluents is the TRICKLING BIOFILTER (TBF): an attached biomass growth reactor in which biological NITRIFICATION can take place. TBF´s present small footprint pH, temperature, BOD and ponding system effluent OD conditions are favorable to nitrification. Resulting reactor volume quite possibly smaller than other post-treatment options, thus TBF option can be economically feasible.

4 Research Work Objective
Evaluate effects of TKN and BOD application rates as well as other operational conditions on nitrification in tricking biofilters receiving photosynthetic facultative pond effluent. Bigger picture: Experimental results  to subsidize assessment of the TBF alternative for improvement of ponding system effluent quality.

5 Methodology Ponding System at city of Lins, SP Estabilização de Lins/SP At the Lins field Station – testing field for agricultural reuse of ponding system effluent

6 Methodology TKN Volumetric Loading rates: 0,02 to 0,17 kg TKN/m3d Surface Hydraulic Loading rates: 2 to 12 m3/m2d Tested TBF media: crushed rock no.4 & Pall brand plastic rings

7 TKN Volumetric and Hydraulic Loading Rates into TBF´s
Results TKN Volumetric and Hydraulic Loading Rates into TBF´s Phase Phase Phase 3

8 Comparison of phases 1 through 3
CONTROL: pH & Temperature

9 Comparison of phases 1 through 3
OD (mg/L) & Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/L)

10 Comparison of phases 1 through 3

11 Comparison of phases 1 through 3
N species: Ammonia N (mg/L) TKN (mg/L):

12 Comparison of phases 1 through 3
N species: Nitrite (mg/L) Nitrate (mg/L):

13 Conclusions Both Trickling Biofilter media (crushed rock no. 4 &
Pall plastic rings) achieved reduction of ammonia N concentrations from the facultative pond effluent; Nitrification occurred in all three experimental phases, indicated by high concentrations of nitrite and nitrate; Regarding nitrification along phases 1 thru´ 3: Crushed rock TBF progress was faster and related ammonia N removal efficiency was higher than for the Pall ring TBF.

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