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2 Lesson 36 Role of Technology – II

3 Chapter Learning Objectives

4 Measures to Implement Measures to implement the Programme of Action include the organization of international meetings in the field of appropriate industrial technology. The establishment of a consultative group on appropriate industrial technology and the monitoring and analysis and follow up for appropriate choice of technology

5 Available Information
Available information on technologies could also be enlarged through the systematic identification of technologies including the traditional ones available in developing countries themselves. With this input projects can be initiated through national research institutes, systematic survey of indigenous technologies in selected branches.

6 Available Information…….
The surveys are expected to bring out material on the basis of which some of the existing technologies could be upgraded and some others could be transferred for adoption by other countries. It will also provide it methodology for systematic action by the research institutes in the elaboration of their research programs.

7 Methods of Integrating Science & Technology in Economic & Social Development
The rapid and fruitful application of industrial technology to industrial development could be achieved only if the attempts to promote appropriate industrial technology are part of the main stream of industrial development and not apart from it.

8 Methods of Integrating Science & Technology in Economic & Social Development…….
To reach this goal by stimulating policy and decision makers, enterprises and research institutes for promoting the application of appropriate industrial technology; stimulating suppliers of technology and equipment in industrialized countries to undertake the necessary adaptation and redesign to suit the needs of developing countries;

9 Methods of Integrating Science & Technology in Economic & Social Development…….
stimulating government and donor agencies in industrialized countries and in developing countries with sufficient financial resources at their disposal to allocate more funds to co-operative programs on appropriate technology;

10 Methods of Integrating Science & Technology in Economic & Social Development…….
mobilizing existing research capacity in research organizations, universities, private enterprises and particularly small companies and individual investors so as to promote the adaptation of available technologies and the development of new technologies where necessary.

11 Methods of Integrating Science & Technology in Economic & Social Development…….
The appropriate technology path has to be derived from the industrial development strategy and consequently from the over-all development strategy itself. The application of industrial technology can have the most fruitful results through national institution for projects services can provide a set of specialized services to all industries.

12 Measure to Undertake for Promoting Framework
1. Evaluation & Comparison of Alternative Industrial Technologies 2. Promotion of Technological Research 3. Collection & Dissemination of Practical Experience 4. Application of Technology to Rural Development

13 Measure to Undertake for Promoting Framework……..
5. Technology for Alternative Sources of Energy 6. National & International Policies Related to Appropriate Industrial Technology 7. Institutional Infrastructure for Appropriate Technology

14 Industrial & Technological Information Bank
The design and operation the industrial and technological information bank will rely heavily on its effective links with the suppliers and users of technological information, its operation could well mark the beginning of a new phase of international co-operation in the exchange of technological information.

15 Industrial & Technological Information Bank……
This will be particularly so, since the INTIB is not expected to physically store all available technological information

16 Industrial & Technological Information Bank……
One component of the INTIB which involves international co-operation in a significant manner is the system of exchange of information among the national registries of transfer of technology on the terms and conditions of technology contract. This will provide, through international co-operation, access to information not hitherto available, but of great value to developing countries in the acquisition technology.

17 Information and Communication Technology
Usually abbreviated as ICT, is often used as an extended synonym for IT, but is usually a more general term that stresses the role of unified communications.

18 Information and Communication Technology…..
ICT consists of IT as well as telecommunication, broadcast media, all types of audio and video processing and transmission and network based control and monitoring functions

19 Role of ICT ICT plays a vital role in small and medium enterprises.

20 Thanks you Happy Learning, Keep Learning

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