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Mission to France over 44 years.

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1 Mission to France over 44 years.
Automatic presentation with French Christian music that takes 9 minutes. Mission to France over 44 years.

2 « I will build my church. »
Mission France Paris 1973 Moulins 1983 Vichy 2000 Savoie 1981 2008 Trip to USA - Created Nashville Gospel Chapel 2008 Church of Grace, Nashville 2008 Palms Bible Chapel, Phoenix, AZ – Revised automatic Tucson, AZ – revision Nashville GC Revision 2k3bis Donelson, TN Meridian, ID – Stratford, IA – revision to 40yrsInFr = first offer of trips 13 assemblies on East Coast 4/13 to 5/13 SF Bay Missionary Conf – revison = shorter Vichy info. Westbay GC, Edmonton, Alberta – Wyecliff GC, Edmonton, Alberta – = revised version Atlanta, CA – revision Land O Lakes, FL – revision Pleasant Hill, CA – revision Summer 2016 A Cross America With Christ… Thiel 2012 Jesus said in Matthew 16v18, « I will build my church. »

3 Commended in 1973, we arrived in Paris.

4 161106 Wekipedia pop facts on internet
France was a mission field of 50 million and now over 66 million people, of which six million are legal Arab residents.

5 "Les Gobelins" Paris 13e We found one of the first New Testament assemblies located inside Paris.

6 The Catholic churches were empty.

7 That led to 20 years of open air market Bible book stands.

8 We were commended by two more assemblies in 1981…

9 ...and began work in the Savoie,

10 …serving in a pioneer assembly.
Aix-les-Bains …serving in a pioneer assembly.

11 The Lord led us, in 1983, to pioneer a new work in Moulins s/Allier.

12 There were printing of tens of thousands of Gospel tracts,

13 …six neighborhood Bible clubs,

14 …exhibits at local fairs,

15 …a Bible exposition in the city public library,

16 …remodeling an old building,

17 …preaching and teaching,

18 …and many river baptisms, as the Lord saved people.

19 The new Assembly became home for our library, print shop and book store.

20 During the week it was the Christian library and Book store.

21 On Sunday it was the meeting place of the Assembly.

22 It was a joy to appoint Deacons, following the biblical pattern.

23 It was also a joy to recognize three elders in the winter of 1999.

24 The Lord has saved many and added to the Moulins assembly.

25 So they built a new chapel in 2016.

26 Christ is still building His church.

27 Faith and I moved to serve the Lord in Vichy during January 2000.

28 Trifon & Priscilla Kalioudjoglou had pioneered the work.

29 The old chapel was almost closed and in very bad shape.

30 So we mixed concrete and laid ceramic tile floors.

31 That gave us a place to worship.

32 We created an outreach to unsaved business men.

33 There were many river baptisms.

34 Faith reached out to many unsaved women…

35 …and started a Sunday school.

36 We had Assembly picnics for…

37 …open air preaching to friends…

38 …and Christian fellowship.

39 wife ! Missionary life

40 Deacons were appointed for the assembly in Vichy during 2010.

41 We also began regional picnics…

42 …and began regional meetings.

43 Many have been called…

44 …and led to the Lord.

45 Christ has built His church !

46 Faith moved up to Heaven in 2012.

47 So I continue to lead others to Christ at my home in France and across the country in an itinerant ministry.

48 In North America, I have a legal residence in Phoenix, AZ, but I travel most of the time “A Cross America with Christ” to teach and lead others to Christ.

Spring and Fall France Summer and Winter North America

50 Please pray with me for France:
For even more people to be saved For all believers to become soul winners For more to head the call to missions For assemblies to seriously study the Word of God. For publishing of electronic books for… at

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