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Oslo 24.10.2017 How education on Sustainable Development has been integrated in the Finnish curriculum Liisa Jääskeläinen Counsellor of Education (Em.)

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Presentation on theme: "Oslo 24.10.2017 How education on Sustainable Development has been integrated in the Finnish curriculum Liisa Jääskeläinen Counsellor of Education (Em.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oslo How education on Sustainable Development has been integrated in the Finnish curriculum Liisa Jääskeläinen Counsellor of Education (Em.) Finnish National Board of Education Curriculum Development Unit


3 Examining 4 perspectives of the educational reforms
Changing role of teachers and teaching World of changes SCHOOL Impact on children’s living environment Changing role of pupils and learning Changing concepts of learning and competence IRMELI HALINEN

4 Curriculum Reform of Finnish Basic Education 2012 - 2016
Government Decree in June 2012 National Core Curriculum as a regulation passed by the National Board of Education Key steering instrument Covers all key teaching / learning aspects of basic education Adapted and implemented in every basic school in Finland Reform is carried out once in years An open process to gather wisdom and create commitment Over 300 nominated specialists and 30 sub-groups Open on-line feed-back and commenting of drafts on 3 occasions – active participation of CSOs Implementation started (after local solutions etc)

5 A preliminary understanding of what global citizens´ competences could be was established in the FNBE /ForMin project As a Global Citizen in Finland ( ) 54_Schools_reaching_out_to_a_glo bal_world.pdf

6 Compare with 4.7


8 “Triple filter” for the NCC 2014 Obligations - incl
“Triple filter” for the NCC Obligations - incl. all Finland´s commitments to human rights Values Conception of learning

9 Values of basic education 2014
Necessity of a sustainable way of living Uniqueness of every pupil, quality education as a basic right Humanity, general knowledge and ability (sivistys, bildning, Bildnung), democracy Cultural diversity as a richness

10 Necessity of a sustainable way of living 1/2
SD has an ecological and economic dimension as well as a social and cultural Ecosocial knowledge and ability (sivistys, bildning) which creates ways of living and a culture that foster - inviolability of human dignity - renewal of ecosystems - builds precondition of a competence base for a circular economy (Give up “economy first” – thinking!) Climate change

11 Necessity of a sustainable way of living 2/2
Responsibility to steer technology Conflicting modes of consumption and production to be examined and improved. Pupils are encouraged to reflect on how to transform their lifestyles so that raw materials and energy can be saved and biodiversity safeguarded. The intangible elements of welfare will be highlighted. Social structures and solutions impacting the development are to be done visible Cross-generational global responsibility

12 Mission of basic education 2014
Educational task – BE supports learning, development and wellbeing of all Social task BE builds up human and social capital; justice creates peace and trust Cultural task – BE maintains cultural heritage & space to diverse cultural identities Future-related task - BE cultivates future-skills Global education will provide for its part for the preconditions for just and sustainable development in line with the development goals of the UN. BE is a driver for positive change also internationally (PISA!)

13 Looking after oneself, managing daily activities, safety
Cultural competence, interaction and expression Multiliteracy ICT- competence Competence for the world of work, entrepreneur-ship Participation and influencing, building the sustainable future Thinking and learning to learn Transversal competences National Goals for Basic Education and Transversal Competences - knowledge - skills - values - attitudes - will Development as a human being and as a citizen

14 Transversal competencies are interlinked for SD – some examples
Thinking and learning to learn Ways of observing and constructing knowledge … facing conflicting information…considering things from diff angels …problem-solving …critical reflection…alternatives… joy of learning … interactive relationships…understanding interconnected, complex issues COMPARE the key competences for SDG Cultural competence - based on respect of human rights…cultural diversity a richness …becoming able to identify what is unacceptable as a violation of human rights ICT competence – pupils learn to assess the impact, possibilities and risks of ICT for SD + responsible ICT-consumerism

15 Participation and influencing, building a sustainable future (Target 7)
Oslo Grades 1 – 2 - What fair and sustainable development means Grades 3 - 6 - Pupils learn to cooperate, address conflicts and seek solutions…environmental activities…participation and involvement…protection of environment…responsibility of own choices…school, community, society Grades 7 – 9 Diff ways of concrete societal involvement…cooperation projects, environmental activities… non-governmental organisations, political parties… Pupils learn negotiation skills, arbitration, conflict resolution Preliminary thoughts on future jobs to contribute SD

16 A question to subject-specific working parties: How does your subject implement transversal competences? Examples of T7 Environm. studies (1–6) Biology – ecosystem- thinking, biodiversity Geography – climate change, Baltic Sea, development issues Physics - energy Religions, Ethics – approach based on human-rights-thinking Social studies – active(global) citizenship History – international relationships,glocalisation Physical education – seasons, welfare-centered approach Home economics – sustainable choices at home

17 Principles guiding development of school culture Whole school approach
Learning community Responsibility for the environment Futures orientation Dialogue and varied working approaches Participation and democracy Issues of local importance Safety in daily life, wellbeing Celebrating diverse cultures Language awareness Core Curriculum 2014

18 About desired school culture – making the values visible and touchable
Schools are to promote learning, participation and a sustainable way of living. Schools as learning communities are part of a culturally transforming and diverse society where the local and global intertwine. Multilingualism Cooperation with various branches of administration, parishes, companies… …voluntary work …action in civic society Contacts with schools in diff countries improve skills in acting in a globalised world

19 Multidisciplinary learning modules - support transversal competencies; topics are picked from the development lines of a desired school culture; panned locally At least one long-term module in a school year Planned and implemented in a participatory process Meaningful to pupils Additional opportunities to study in diff groups Combining outside-school learning Challenge for intellectual curiosity Reinforces in practice knowledge and skills being consistent with a sustainable way of living Inspires the pupils to act

20 Former cross-cutting themes are now
Transversal competences Principles to develop operational school culture Multidisciplinary learning modules

21 Thank you! IRMELI HALINEN

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