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An Overview of the TERAPIX pipeline

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1 An Overview of the TERAPIX pipeline
Emmanuel BERTIN (TERAPIX) April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

2 OPTICON workshop in Nice
The people On site: Yannick Mellier (PI): getting money and scientific analysis Gilles Missonnier: Hardware, system manager and webmaster Mario Radovich (OC): Software development and scientific analysis (image processing, astrometric and photometric calibrations) Emmanuel Bertin: Software development and scientific analysis (image resampling and source extraction) Pierre Didelon: Software development (Pipeline database) Bertrand Morin: Software development (Pipeline database) Abroad: Francois Bonnarel (CDS): Catalog Archive Jean-Charles Cuillandre (CFHT): on-site prereduction Daniel Durand & David Schade (Co-I): Image archive April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

3 OPTICON workshop in Nice
The current hardware April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

4 OPTICON workshop in Nice
The current hardware 4+2 COMPAQ Alpha workstations (2 XP1000 for processing, with 1-2GB of RAM) 100Mb/s fast-ethernet link 4+ TB of disk-space (RAID5 arrays) DLT7000 and DDS3 tape readers 5 Linux PCs and 4 X-terminals April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

5 OPTICON workshop in Nice
Layout of the pipeline April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

6 OPTICON workshop in Nice
Software modules April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

7 Image prereduction: Prerepix
April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

8 Warping and co-addition
April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

9 Visualization software: Panorapix
April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

10 Simulation software: SkyMaker
April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

11 Simulation software:Stuff
Photometric redshift derived with HyperZ April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

12 Software development: status in December 2000
April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

13 Public software release
April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

14 OPTICON workshop in Nice
Pipeline database Based on Objectivity (Object-oriented) Still in development (more details this afternoon) April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

15 OPTICON workshop in Nice
In the works Disk-space /Input-output Automatic masking of image defects Defringing (depending on the instrument) PSF homogenization Pipeline database April 2001 OPTICON workshop in Nice

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