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Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil

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Presentation on theme: "Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil

2 Crude Oil: A mixture of hydrocarbons formed over millions of years by geological action on decaying plant & animal matter

3 Separated by Boiling Points (bp increases as molecular weight & # Carbon’s increases)

4 Uses of crude oil

5 4 types of hydrocarbons Straight-chain Branched chain
Cyclic (5-6 C rings) Aromatic (benzene rings)

6 Alkanes: Hydrocarbons with single bonds
Tetrahedral (109o angles)

7 Homologous Series: CnH2n+2
Meth- Eth- Prop- But- Pent- Hex- Hept- Oct-

8 Properties of Alkanes C1 to C4: Gases C5 to C18 : liquids
>C20: waxy solids Less dense than water (float) Insoluble in water Does not conduct electricity C-H bonds are slightly polar but as most are symmetrical, polarity is cancelled Non-polar Dispersion forces only; low bp and mp Higher molecular weight higher dispersion forces Higher molecular weight  less volatility (ability to vaporise) Each Carbon is carrying its maximum # of Hydrogen’s  SATURATED

9 Solve A hydrocarbon was found to contain 82.6% Carbon and 17.4% hydrogen. Calculate its empirical formula. Is this compound an alkane? If so, suggest a formula and draw its structure. What is the molecular formula and weight for an alkane containing 23 carbons?

10 Alkenes: Hydrocarbons with double bonds (CnH2n)
Double bond is capable of bonding with additional H’s  UNSATURATED

11 Isomers: different compounds that have the same molecular formula but different structural formula
Example: C4H8 Draw and name all the possible isomers for C5H10

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