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Prior Learning Assessment

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1 Prior Learning Assessment
Answers for Advisors

2 Testing Services Student Affairs- Academic Excellence and Support Services 100 University Pavilion

3 Testing Services PLA Processing Accommodated Testing
Standardized Testing (GRE, MCAT, etc.) Certification Testing (Microsoft, Pharmacy, etc.) Proctoring Services

4 PLA- Overview What is PLA? Benefits of PLA PLA-Who?
PLA- Where are we now? PLA- What’s Next Questions?

5 What is PLA? Prior Learning Assessment = PLA
“PLA is the process by which an individual’s learning gained outside of the traditional classroom is evaluated for college credit.” (Council for Adult and Experiential Learning) Learning comes from employment, life experience, volunteer work, non-classroom courses such as corporate training, MOOCs, community courses, etc.

6 Learning vs. Experience
Student learning matched to Course Outcomes

7 Benefits of PLA Reduces time and cost barriers for students
“Front-end success” for adult learners boosts retention and completion rates Adult students who have earned PLA credit are 2 ½ times more likely to complete their degrees than students who do not engage in PLA (Klein-Collins, 2010).

8 PLA-Who? Adult Learners/Returning Students Military
Traditional Students (high GPA, high ACT/SAT, no AP) Homeschool Students

9 PLA- Where Are We Now? CLEP/DSST
American Council on Education (ACE) Credit Recommendations Departmental Credit by Exam Portfolio Review

10 PLA- What’s Next at UC? Faculty
Departments identifying PLA eligible courses and methods Departments developing exams Departments designating faculty reviewers Faculty reviewer training

11 PLA- What’s Next at UC? Student New PLA site in development
Courses/methods listed Portfolio Review Requirements Samples Rubric Portfolio Review Course

12 PLA- What’s Next at UC? PLA Committee Gathering course information
Portfolio review course in development Standardized Ohio portfolio rubric in development New PLA web site in development

13 PLA Questions?

14 Testing Services Student Affairs- Academic Excellence and Support Services 100 University Pavilion

15 PLA Contact Paula Doughman, Program Manager of Testing Services

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