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Class business Don’t forget: New seating chart today! Turn in:

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1 Class business Don’t forget: New seating chart today! Turn in:
Dialectical journal Selma essays Any late work Don’t forget: Your current events are due March 22/24

2 A man and his son are in a car accident and sadly the man is killed
A man and his son are in a car accident and sadly the man is killed. The boy is rushed to the hospital. At the hospital, the surgeon looks at the boy and says, “I can’t operate on this child, he’s my son!”

3 Gender role is a set of societal norms dictating what types of behaviors are generally considered acceptable, appropriate or desirable for a person based on their actual or perceived sex.

4 What does this look like today?
What Are the Roles of Women/Girls today? What are the roles of men/boys today?

5 Common gender stereotypes physical appearance
Men Physically fit/muscular Tall/broad shoulders RUGGED/HANDSOME masculine Women Slender Small/delicate WELL GROOMED/attractive feminine

6 Common gender stereotypes personality traits
Men Tough Aggressive/dominant Less sensitive Self-confident/independent Lazy/messy logical Women Shy Passive and submissive Nurturing Easily influenced Organized/clean Emotional

7 Common gender stereotypes domestic behaviors
Men Better at household repairs Men cannot cook, sew, or take care of the kids…BUT THEY RUN THE GRILL In charge of discipline (“LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER”) Men tell their wives what to do Women Cook Do housework Better at raising children but not at discipline Stay-at-home moms ARE better than working moms…BUT WOMEN ARE EXPECTED TO JUGGLE BOTH DUTIES

8 Common gender stereotypes occupations
Men have the “dirty jobs” like mechanics and construction workers Good at math – are good engineers doctors In charge at work (supervisors/managers) politicians Make more money than women Women Have the “clean” jobs like teachers, nurses, secretaries Not good at math – not good engineers Not good politicians Make less money than men


10 How have we changed as a society since the 1950s?

11 Agree disagree The society has dictated masculine and feminine roles and expectations. Anyone who strays from those norms is frowned upon.

12 Grouping activity – are we really that different?
Boys Girls Ready to answer some questions? Be honest with your responses.

13 Paris Hilton Carl’s Jr Commercial
Gender Roles in Modern Commercials Cleaning up after their families! Clorox Wipes Mercedes Benz Bic For Her Paris Hilton Carl’s Jr Commercial Audi #DriveProgress Original Goldie Blox Commercial Huggies Dad test Dads Male Gender Stereotypes

14 Where do you see gender stereotypes being portrayed?
Objectifying women, outrageous expectations for men…etc. Give examples from: Movies TV Video Games Memes YouTube videos Music videos Social Media Magazines

15 GII What does the Gender Inequality Index (GII) measure and how is it calculated? The GII is an inequality index. It shows the loss in potential human development due to disparity between female and male achievements in two dimensions, empowerment and economic status, and reflects a country’s position relative to normative ideals for the key dimension of women’s health. Overall, the GII reflects how women are disadvantaged in these dimensions. There is no country with perfect gender equality – hence all countries suffer some loss in achievements in key aspects of human development when gender inequality is taken into account. The GII is similar in method to the Inequality- adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI) – see Technical Note 4 for details. It can be interpreted as a combined loss to achievements in reproductive health, empowerment and labour market participation due to gender inequalities. Since the GII includes different dimensions than the HDI, it cannot be interpreted as a loss in HDI itself. The GII ranges between 0 and 1 and higher GII values indicate higher levels of inequalities.


17 Some stats Equality in pay has improved in the US since 1979 when women earned about 62 percent as much as men. In 2010, American women on average earned 81 percent of what their male counterparts earned (BLS 2010; DOL 2011). Women and Corporations In terms of women in leadership positions, in 2009 only 24 percent of CEOs in the US were women and they earned 74.5 percent as much as male CEOs (BLS 2010 p.9). From International Labor Organization

18 A word from John Greene Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer is an exception to the rule. Women make up only 21 of the S&P 500’s CEOs — that’s just 4 percent. Women get paid 77 cents on the dollar for every dollar a man makes, according to a recent study from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. That’s a difference of more than $10,000 per year on average. However it is complicated As John Green Explains

19 Pink Tax Total Number of Times Incidence Women pay more 168 42% Equal
157 40% Men pay more 72 18% 397 100% Source: New York City Department of Consumer Affairs

20 The pink Tax Even if products like razors are identical in all but color, there may be other minor differences in production. Or a store might claim another reason for charging different prices -- like differences in inventory. And then there is the idea that women willingly pay more for feminized products. After all, they could theoretically just purchase a man's razor -- something less likely to happen in the case of clothing.

21 It’s complicated As a recent article in The Washington Post puts it: “When it comes to equal pay, the American woman is stuck in a proverbial waiting room. But the number on her ticket, the length of her stay, largely depends on where she lives and to whom she was born.” In other words, the status of women in this country is incredibly complex, and as a result, there is no simple, one- size-fits-all solution to achieving gender equality.

22 What are the pros and/or cons of gender equality and diversity in American culture?

23 When done: Underline your claim Highlight your warrant Turn in!

24 debate Using today’s information and any additional information that you can find, you will debate: Groups 1 and 3 have the following prompt: Are gender roles important to society? Should we have them? Groups 2 and 4 have the following prompt: Is gender equality necessary? Even possible?

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