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the constituency group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex members and any Democrat Abroad who supports them.

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3 the constituency group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex members and any Democrat Abroad who supports them.

4 To engage and empower LGBTI Americans living abroad to vote in US elections;
To provide a platform for members, country committees and chapters to advance issues important to the LGBTI community; GOALS To support Democrats Abroad members in issues they face living abroad as LGBTI American; To promote and defend respect and equality for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity

5 Leadership Martha Bob V Jim Colin Quaide Netherlands France Spain
Channel Islands Quaide Germany


7 Composition Existing Caucuses in France, UK, Germany
Caucuses in formation in Canada, Austria, Spain, Netherlands 650 Members World-wide

8 Current Work Grow LGBT Caucus Membership (and DA)
Expand Caucus network to every country Provide resources and network for local activities Mobilize members to #Resist

9 Upcoming Events LGBT Global Town Hall Fundraiser in June
PRIDE events in every country Global PRIDE in Madrid July 2





14 And now … … we need YOU !

15 How You Can Help (immediately)
Identify an LGBT Caucus contact in your CC Assess Caucus viability and sustainability Start to plan for PRIDE events NOW ! Announce June Town Hall

16 How You Can Help (ongoing)
Host discussions / debates about LGBT issues Promote Caucus activities on social media Mobilize your membership to #resist discriminatory legislation

17 Queeries ?

18 Contact Us! Facebook Webpage



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