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RCS Professional Development Course

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1 RCS Professional Development Course
Twitter for Beginners RCS Professional Development Course

2 Bell Work: Go to
Watch the following video on using Twitter in the classroom: Thinking about the 3 ways to use Twitter named in the video, list your priorities and/or goals for using Twitter. Go to the RCS Policy on Employee Use of Social Media and the RCS use of Social Media for School Communication. Read through them and be prepared to discuss for clarification.

3 Our Objectives & Success Criteria
We will have a better understanding of how Twitter can be used to grow professionally We will have a better understanding of the RCS policies on posting to a professional Twitter account We will have a better understanding of how to utilize Twitter to share learning outside the classroom SUCCESS CRITERIA: I can create a professional Twitter account, including a professional profile I can understand and apply general Twitter vocabulary such as, “tweet”, “hashtag”, “PLN”, “Follow/Unfollow”, etc. I can compose tweets that reflect my goals for using Twitter I can search for and follow another Twitter account I can search for relevant chats using a hashtag

4 What you may already know about Twitter
Twitter: The Musical The Hashtag

5 Activity 1: Create an account
Go to and sign up! Be sure to use your full professional name Use your RCS address Use a password NOT linked to your school , or any other web-based account—WRITE IT DOWN

6 Activity 2: Develop Your Profile
Once you have logged in to your account, it’s time to create your profile! Keep it professional: remember that this account is for you—the Educator Let your passions shine: your profile should highlight your humor, your passion, your heart! Some Sample Educator Profiles: @svdaugherty - Supporting educators through technology integration as they design the kind of engaging experiences they have always dreamed of creating--is there a better job? @LeeAraoz - K-12 Coordinator of Instructional Technology, staff developer and speaker. Innovative teacher & perpetual learner. Igniting an enthusiasm for lifelong learning! @HelwigsHeroes - This year marks my 16th year in teaching- 'To love what you do, and feel that it matters, how can anything be more fun.'..looking forward to the BEST year yet!!

7 Apps like TweetDeck and Hootsuite allow for easy following!
Twitter Chats Twitter Chats allow folks to participate (or ‘lurk’) in a discussion on a particular topic. Most Chats happen on a regular schedule. Apps like TweetDeck and Hootsuite allow for easy following! 13 Great Twitter Chats Every Educator Should Follow Complete Calendar of EdChats on Twitter @cybraryman ‘s Twitter Chat page

8 #ashtags Think of hashtags as the “breakout sessions” inside a Conference—there’s something for everyone!

9 Activity 3: Find Folks to Follow
Reflect on your goals for using Twitter: PLN or Class/Student focus? PLN: look for folks who tweet out resources, participate in #edchats, or are active in their school systems Class/Student focus: Look for other classrooms around the world who are sharing out their learning Pick 3-4 accounts to begin following. Then begin exploring who THEY follow—add to your list!

10 What Have You Done Today?
Wrapping Up What Have You Done Today? Next Steps Created a Twitter Account Learned basic Twitter-speak Learned the professional uses for Twitter Made a goal for using Twitter Created a professional profile Followed other professionals Searched for a relevant edchat Been followed Continue to find folks to follow Make an appointment with your tech coach to share your goals and help you create a plan to meet those goals Share your Twitter handle with others Complete the PD Evaluation Survey

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