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Content and language integrated learning (CLIL)

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Presentation on theme: "Content and language integrated learning (CLIL)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Content and language integrated learning (CLIL)
Brighton July 2015 Valeria de Mattia – Anna Scerrati Lorena Barberi – Alessandra Turriziani

2 The English Language Centre - Brighton
2 weeks Lessons per week: 30 Hours per week: 22,50 From level CEFR B1 to C1 Teacher: Alex Thorp

3 Objectives The aim of this course was to facilitate the development of the teaching and learning of English to teach other subjects - Key principles of Clil Materials development and evaluation Testing and assessment Language development for both teachers and students New ideas and practical activities for skills development.

4 Methodology Practical ideas for the classroom including: Seminars
Practical workshops Trainer summaries and demonstrations Sharing ideas and experiences - Final presentation of our action plans and discussion with the class

5 CLIL: the four Cs

6 Evidence based teaching (EBT) & Clil
Graphical representations (Diagrams, pictures, graphs etc. to represent content) Note making (Students produce notes on a class) Feedback (Students given feedback on what they are doing right and how to improve) Whole class interactive teaching (Involving all the class interactively) Relevant recall questions (building new learning onto old) Peer Assessment (Students being checked by their class mates) Challenging goals (tasks that will be difficult / push the stdents) Co-operative learning (e.g. Jigsaw / info-gap etc.) Problem solving (deep learning through reasoning tasks) Advance organizer (Telling a class what they are going to do before they do it)

7 Task-based teaching (TBT) & Clil
A task is an activity to achieve a skill practical Tasks are: authentic cognitive Clil teaches contents through English using tasks





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