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대한췌담도학회 월례집담회 2011. 06. 04 CASE PRESENTATION Sang Koo Kang, Tae Hoon Lee, Sang-Heum Park Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine,

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Presentation on theme: "대한췌담도학회 월례집담회 2011. 06. 04 CASE PRESENTATION Sang Koo Kang, Tae Hoon Lee, Sang-Heum Park Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine,"— Presentation transcript:

1 대한췌담도학회 월례집담회 CASE PRESENTATION Sang Koo Kang, Tae Hoon Lee, Sang-Heum Park Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Cheonan Hospital.

2 Chief complaints Recurrent epigastric pain onset) 2 months ago
Past history : DM(-), HTN(-) Alcohol(-), Smoking(-) Operation history(-)

3 Present illness A 24-year-old man presented with recurrent abdominal pain that had started to worsen two months before P. Ex.: mild tenderness on epigastrium

4 Laboratory test WBC: 6.30 X 109/L, Hb:14.2 g/dL T-bilirubin: 1.1 mg/dl
AST: 28 IU/L, ALT: 13 IU/L Amylase: 115 IU/L, lipase: 45 IU/L Alkaline phosphatase: 61 IU/L, GTP: 28 IU/L CEA: 4.05 ng/ml, CA19-9: U/ml hs-CRP: 0.3 mg/L

5 Abdomen CT


7 Initial diagnosis Impacted stone in cystic duct or periampullary diverticulum CBD compression Therapeutic plan: ERCP


9 Initial diagnosis II Impacted cystic duct stone
R/O Mirrizzi’s syndrome Therapeutic plan  Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

10 Operation Laparoscopic cholecystectomy Conversion to laparotomy
 Enuclation of an impacted stone by incision negotiated the cystic duct and CBD, but could not find connecting cystic duct and previously inserted plastic stent Conversion to laparotomy  the saccular dilatated cystic lesion of CBD  choledochal cyst excision with Roux-en Y hepaticojejunostomy


12 Histologic finding

13 Final diagnosis Choledochal cyst type II with a large impacted stone; masqueraded as a impacted cystic duct stone

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