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Prophet Muhammad Reaches out to Arabia and Beyond

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Presentation on theme: "Prophet Muhammad Reaches out to Arabia and Beyond"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prophet Muhammad Reaches out to Arabia and Beyond

2 On what did Prophet Muhammad focus after the Treaty of Hudaybiyah?

3 What is the Treaty of Hudaybiyah?

4 Which condition of the treaty, helped the Messenger to spread Islam?

5 How many letters to different rulers, did Prophet Muhammad send?

6 Why did Prophet Muhammed send invitation letters to the rulers?

7 What is the main message of all the letters?

8 Who are the two rules that accepted Islam after they received the letter?

9 Who is the only ruler that had a hostile reaction to the invitation?

10 What was his reaction?

11 What was the du’a of Prophet Muhammed when he learned about Kisras reaction?

12 Another Pious Christian leader had a very kind and hospitable reaction to the letter. Who is he?

13 What are some of the gifts he sent to the Messenger?

14 What did the leaders who had a good reaction to the invitation like about Islam?

15 Describe the style the letters were written?

16 What does the style of the letters tell you about the Great Character of Messenger of God?

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