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Simulation for DayaBay Detectors

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1 Simulation for DayaBay Detectors
Liangjian Wen Institute of High Energy Physics Sep 19, 2008 Topical Seminar on Frontier of Particle Physics 2008: Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics

2 DayaBay Neutrino Experiment
DayaBay Neutrino Experiment is a precise measurement to with a near-far detector configuration. Small-amplitude oscillation due to 13 Determine with a sensitivity to 0.01 (90% C.L) Large-amplitude oscillation due to 12


4 Detector layout (Far site)
Inner Water Shield Outer Water Shield (separated by tyvek) Water Pool 3-zone AD module Target: Gd-doped scintillator g-catcher: normal scintillator Buffer: Oil

5 DayaBay simulation Our simulation is based on Geant4 (G4dyb), but with modifications and extensions to accommodate the specific requirements of the DayaBay Experiment. We did many validations for our simulation by Comparison with other simulations (FLUKA, MCNPX, Geant3) Comparison with previous measurement data Comparison with our prototype experiment data

6 Neutrino Detection at DayaBay
Inverse reaction in Gadolinium-doped Liquid Scintillator (GdLS) Two critical things in simulation Neutron capture processes Optical model of the detector.

7 Neutron Capture Process
We validate the neutron capture cross section for Gd/H/C targets in Geant4 with Geant3 simulation and experimental data. Geant4 is incorrect for the n-capture final state with multiple gammas. It is hard to give a general solution for all n-capture targets in Geant4. We modified the G4 neutron capture processes for Gd/C/H targets, based on experimental spectrum. Simulated and measured gamma energy spectrum for n-Gd capture

8 Scintillation Process: Quenching
No quenching effect in G4Scintillation We write our own scintillation process with the quenching effect be considered (J.B.Birks’ law): We measured the quenching factor for the DayaBay GdLS and LS: GdLS (ppo, bis-MSB, LAB, 0.1% Gd) 6.49(±1.06) LS (ppo, bis-MSB, LAB) 8.21(±1.23) unit :

9 Scintillation Process: Re-emission
Use the measured GdLS/LS emission spectrum in scintillation processes simulation Re-emission of Cerenkov light and scintillation light are very important. Currently an assumed re-emission possibility spectrum is used and we are doing the measurement for our GdLS/LS.

10 Other Optical Properties in AD
Detector simulation needs inputs of the optical properties of the detector components from measurements. Light yield Emission spectrum Absorption length for GdLS/LS/Oil Refractive index of acrylic vessel Reflectivity of top/bottom reflectors PMT Quantum Efficiency spectrum

11 Requirements on uncertainties necessary to achieve the 0
Requirements on uncertainties necessary to achieve the 0.01 sensitivity goal.

12 Positron & Neutron Efficiency
Positron event:Evis>1MeV Efficiency = 99.8% Error ~ 0.05% assuming 2% energy scale error Neutron event:Evis>6MeV Efficiency ~ 90.7% (overall) Error ~ 0.2% assuming 1% energy scale error

13 3 Zone detector Neutron efficiency v.s LS thickness
42.5cm, 91% Sensitivity v.s target mass 4x20 ton 15cm Detector response for different e- positions in detector

14 Reflector Simulation & Event Reconstruction
no reflector simulation with reflector sE/E = 12%/E sr = 13 cm reconstruction

15 Prototype simulation v.s data
60Co 137Cs

16 Modified Gaisser Formula + MUSIC
Muon Simulation Modified Gaisser Formula + MUSIC Modified Gaisser Formula: More reasonable muon flux parameterization at sea level MUSIC (MUon SImulation Code) : A three-dimensional code transports muons through the rock to underground lab

17 IWS: threshold 11PMT, efficiency 98.1% Muon detection efficiency OWS: threshold 13 PMT, efficiency 97.7%

18 Energy spectrum of fast neutron backgrounds
Neutron Simulation Muon-induced fast neutron background is an important background. Its rates calculated using Geant4 are consistent with earlier Geant3 calculations that used empirical parametrization of measurements, accurate to ~20% (Y.Wang et al., PRD64, (2001)). Energy spectrum of fast neutron backgrounds

19 Muon capture Muons ( ) stop in water pool/antineutrino detector can
Decay -> Michel electron (lifetime ) Capture on C, O, Fe and emit a neutron (fast neutron background) Capture on C and form a 12B (delayed signal) Muon stopping ratio from Geant4 simulation is consistent with FLUKA simulation. Its capture rate on C, O, Fe from Geant4 simulation is consistent with experimental data. Yet the neutron energy spectra given by Geant4 is not in good agreement with measurements. So we implemented new neutron spectrum according to experimental data.

20 Radioactivity Generator
Full decay chains of U, Th, K simulated to provide HEPevt input to G4dyb ( U,Th using programs of A.Piepke) 60Co simulation for calibration source and background 68Ge, 252Cf and Pu-C simulation for calibration sources neutron from Pu-C 252Cf prompt signal 252Cf delayed signal

21 Natural radioactivity simulation, give material specification for detector construction
From Stainless Steel tank From GdLS (radioactivity accompany with Gd) From PMT From rocks or water (Radon)

22 Software Framework NuWa : our Gaudi-based offline software

23 Summary DayaBay simulation is based on Geant4, and we made extensions and modifications to accommodate the specific requirements of the DayaBay Experiment. Many validations have been done for current simulation. Important simulations are based on G4dyb Positron and neutron efficiency and its error estimation Detector design related issues

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