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Fluid Flow.

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1 Fluid Flow

2 Streamline Motion studies the paths of objects.
Fluids motion studies many paths at once. The path of a single atom in the fluid is called a streamline.

3 Flow Rate Streamlines can be grouped together.
This corresponds to the fluid flow through an area. The flow rate measure fluid movement. mass per time density times area times velocity

4 Conservation of Mass Like other matter, fluids cannot be created or destroyed. The mass into a tube must flow out at the same rate. This is called the continuity equation. For constant density it only requires the area and velocity.

5 Canyon A river flows in a channel that is 40. m wide and 2.2 m deep with a speed of 4.5 m/s. The river enters a gorge that is 3.7 m wide with a speed of 6.0 m/s. How deep is the water in the gorge? The area is width times depth. A1 = w1d1 Use the continuity equation. v1A1 = v2A2 v1w1d1 = v2w2d2 Solve for the unknown d2. d2 = v1w1d1 / v2w2 (4.5 m/s)(40. m)(2.2 m) / (3.7m)(6.0 m/s) = 18 m

6 Fluid Energy The kinetic energy in a fluid is the same as for any other mass: K = ½ mv2. The change in potential energy is: U = mgh. The work done on a fluid is due to pressure. Pressure acting on a volume: W = PADx = PV. From the work energy principle:

7 Bernoulli’s Equation The volume element is somewhat arbitrary in a moving fluid. Mass divided by volume is density Divide by volume and separate states on each end Bernoulli’s equation is equivalent to conservation of energy for fluids.

8 Lift If the height doesn’t change much, Bernoulli becomes:
Where speed is higher, pressure is lower. Speed is higher on the long surface of the wing – creating a net force of lift. FL

9 Venturi Tube A venturi meter uses continuity and Bernoulii’s equation to measure flow.

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