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Presentation on theme: "ADDING EVENT VARIABLES TO PROPBANK"— Presentation transcript:

Olga Babko-Malaya, Martha Palmer, Paul Kingsbury, Nianwen Xue, Shijong Ryu October 30, 2003 DOD site visit

2 An example Mr. Bush met him privately, in White House, on Thursday.
Rel: met Arg0: Mr. Bush Arg1: him ArgM-MNR: privately ArgM-LOC: in White House ArgM-TMP: on Thursday e meeting(e) & Arg0(e, Mr.Bush) & Arg1(e, he) & MNR(e, privately) & LOC(e, ‘in White House’) & TIME(e, ‘on Thursday’)

3 Issues Representation of arguments: davidsonian or neodavidsonian?
How are modifier tags related to events? Which verbs introduce event variables?

4 Representation of Arguments
Davidsonian representation: e meeting(e, Mr.Bush, he) & MNR(e, privately) & LOC(e, ‘in White House’) & TIME(e, ‘on Thursday’). Neodavidsonian representation: e meeting(e) & Arg0(e, Mr.Bush) & Arg1(e, he) & MNR(e, privately) & LOC(e, ‘in White House’) & TIME(e, ‘on Thursday’).

5 Difference: obligatoriness of arguments
serve.01 "act, work": Arg0:worker Arg1:job, project Arg2:employer Each new trading roadblock is likely to be beaten by institutions seeking better ways *trace* to serve their high-volume clients. Arg0: *trace* -> institutions REL: serve Arg2: their high-volume clients Davidsonian representation: e z serve(e, institutions, z, their high-volume clients) Neodavidsonian representation: e serve(e)&Arg0(e, institutions)&Arg2(e, their high-volume clients)

6 Issues Representation of arguments: davidsonian or neodavidsonian?
How are modifier tags related to events? Which verbs introduce event variables?

7 Modifier Tags Modifiers which predicate of events:
MNR, TMP, LOC, DIR, CAU, PRP Modifiers which are not predicates of events: ADV, NEG, PRD, DIS, MOD

8 Modifiers which predicate of events
MNR: to manage businesses profitably TMP: to run the company for 23 years LOC: to use the notes on the test DIR: to jump up CAU: because of … PRP: in order to …

9 Problem1: Post States TMP Bertha opened the window for 10 minutes
a. e open(e) & Arg0(e, Bertha) &TMP(e,for 10 minutes) b. e e’ open(e) & Arg0(e, Bertha) & post(e, e’) & TMP(e’, for 10 minutes)

10 Problem 2: Conjunction TMP
From 2 to 4, Lucas cleaned the bathroom and washed the dishes. a. e cleaning(e) & Arg0(e, Lucas) & Arg1(e, ‘the bathroom’) & TMP(e, ‘from 2 to 4’) & e’ washing(e’) & Arg0(e’, Lucas) & Arg1(e’, ‘the dishes’) & TMP(e’, ‘from 2 to 4’) b. e cleaning(e) & Arg0(e, Lucas) & Arg1(e, ‘the bathroom’) & e’ washing(e’) & Arg0(e’, Lucas) & Arg1(e’, ‘the dishes’) & TMP(ee’, ‘from 2 to 4’)

11 Problem 3: Negation TMP For the past five years, unions have not managed to win wage increases e TMP(e, ‘for the past five years’) & e’(e’<e & managing(e’) & Arg0(e’, unions) & Arg1(e’, ‘win wage increases’))

12 Modifiers which do not predicate of events
ADV Once fat and happy, the Cowboys are now loosing games, fans and money. e loosing(e) & Arg0(e, ‘the Cowboys’) & TMP(e, now) & Arg1(e, ‘games, fans, and money’) & ADV(‘the Cowboys’, ‘once fat and happy’)

13 Issues Representation of arguments: davidsonian or neodavidsonian?
How are modifier tags related to events? Which verbs introduce event variables?

14 Events vs States States: feel, know, want, like.
- Stative verbs do not introduce event variables - Stative verbs introduce event variables Stative verbs introduce a different type of variable

15 Three Approaches to States
John knows the answer - know(John, the answer) - e knowing(e) & Arg0(e, John) & Arg1(e,‘the answer’) - s knowing(s) & Arg0(s, John) & Arg1(s,‘the answer’)

16 Stative verbs co-occur with TMP, LOC and MNR
He did not know about most of these cases until Thursday At the Pompano beach municipal stadium, Mr. Blair knows his power isn’t what it used to be. It is widely known …

17 Adding State Variables
But Conner isn’t standing still. e standing(e) & Arg1(e, Conner) & MNR(e, still) As matters stand, … s standing(s) & Arg1(s,matters)

18 Nombank Markable noun instances < 214, 000 tokens including:
101,000 verb nominals destruction, knowledge, aggression, anniversary 36,000 partitives: plenty, variety, dozens, set 15,000 environment noun instances: circumstance, context, universe, framework 15,000 relation nouns: accountant, bishop, parent, sibling

19 ArgM-ADV With communism collapsing, our interest lies in …
The television commercial really gets down to business Treasures are just lying around, waiting to be picked up Fortunately, the quake was over.


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