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Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales

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1 Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales
Gary Beharrell Regional Grant Manager

2 Lloyds Bank Foundation for England & Wales – the Basics
Founded in 1985, one of 4 LBG Foundations 30 years: distributed over £340m to 42,000 local charities Independent charitable trust, 4 LBG Trustees 9-year funding agreement National reach, local presence Foundation sector as a whole: £2.4bn into UK voluntary sector

3 Supporting your local community – East Midlands
Heather - can we keep the diagram but change the wording in the enhance box to read “ a grants plus model – offering an optional range of support to strengthen the effectiveness of those we fund” Point of slide: to explain what funding and support is available Key message: can apply for an Invest or an Enable grant; Enhance is not a grant but in-kind support to strengthen the charities we fund. Notes: Explain that For both programmes must meet the overall criteria for funding – multiple disadvantage/ transition points Can only apply for either an invest or an enable – not both could apply for Invest and be offered Enable and vice versa. Can only access enhance support, if awarded either an Invest or an enable grant

4 Our criteria – your organisation
Registered Charity 1 year track record of delivery At least 3 Trustees 1 year of published accounts Income between £25,000 and £1m Free reserves less than 12 months expenditure Must work mainly in England and Wales Point of slide: for audience to find out if their organisation fits Notes: Highlight that special rules if recently merged Refer people to guidelines for further details e.g. how we calculate free reserves, policy if related Trustees Likely Questions – refer to FAQ’s for formal response: Q: Why don’t you fund CiCs? Why just charities? Q: Why have you increased the minimum income threshold?

5 Our criteria – the people you work with
You must work with people aged 17 years of age and over who are experiencing at least one of the following issues: People who have been abused or are at risk of abuse People who are victims of sexual exploitation People who are ex-offenders or those at risk of offending People who are long term unemployed People leaving care People who are homeless People with learning disabilities People with mental health and well being issues People with addictions People who are isolated and vulnerable Older people losing independence Point of slide: for audience to find out if the people they work with fits Key message: This has changed. Rather than our previous broad criteria of disadvantage, you must work with people who experience at least one disadvantage on list and supporting people through transition.. You will see that the list does not specifically identify people with a physical health problem or a disability, older people or people belonging to a single issue group such as BME or LGBT. We will be funding work with these groups where they are also affected by the issues listed and we expect charities to be actively including them. Notes: Our focus is multiple disadvantage. If someone was being abused we wouldn’t seek further disadvantages, but they would likely have them, such as mental distress. If they were in poverty then we would look for multiple issues. Financial difficulty can be one of the issues but does not stand alone, needs to be combined with another issue. Key message – We no longer fund work with children under age 17 – some exceptions Young parents Looked after children moving into independent living Disabled young people moving into independent living Likely Questions – refer to FAQ’s : Q: Why don’t you have disabled people listed? Q: What about older people? Q: Why do you no longer fund work with children? Q : What if we work with some people over and some under age 17? Q: What if we work with some people in these groups but this is not all that we do?

6 Our criteria – what we don’t fund
Hospitals, health authorities, hospices Rescue services Schools, colleges, universities Animal charities Type of organisation Capital purchases, building work Statutory responsibilities Medical care, medical equipment, medical research On-line or telephone advice services Events and short-term interventions e.g. holidays Environmental, arts, sports Promotion of religion Type of work Point of slide: for audience to find out if the work they do fits Key message: This is not really new. There have always been organisations and activities we don’t fund.. Notes: This is not the full list – refer to guidelines Highlight no capital. Explain consider requests which use arts, sports, environment as part of transition work e.g. a food growing project for people with mental health problems Explain religious charities where wider benefit and need for GOR

7 What’s available? - 3 programmes
ENHANCE A grants plus model - offering an optional range of support to strengthen the effectiveness of those we fund Heather - can we keep the diagram but change the wording in the enhance box to read “ a grants plus model – offering an optional range of support to strengthen the effectiveness of those we fund” Point of slide: to explain what funding and support is available Key message: can apply for an Invest or an Enable grant; Enhance is not a grant but in-kind support to strengthen the charities we fund. Notes: Explain that For both programmes must meet the overall criteria for funding – multiple disadvantage/ transition points Can only apply for either an invest or an enable – not both could apply for Invest and be offered Enable and vice versa. Can only access enhance support, if awarded either an Invest or an enable grant

8 Invest INVEST programme Must be able to evidence need
Up to £25k pa for up to 6 years Must meet focus on multiple disadvantage and transition Will support core or project costs Must meet at least one of the Transition Outcomes and at least one of the Progression Outcomes Must have systems in place to monitor outcomes Invest Point of slide: for audience to find out if the work they do fits the Invest programme and what they can apply for Likely questions: Q: How much should I ask for? Q: What length of grant can I ask for? Q: Can I apply for 6 years all in one go?

9 INVEST programme outcomes
TRANSITION OUTCOMES (examples:) PROGRESSION OUTCOMES (examples) Safe, independent and able to make positive choices Improved safety Becoming employed Improved physical health Have not re-offended (in the previous 6 months) Improved mental health Achieved accredited qualification Reduced isolation/increased support networks Progressed into or re-entered education or training Improved employability Safely managing addictions Reduced substance misuse/addictive behaviour Progression into safe and suitable accommodation Managing a tenancy and accommodation Point of slide: for audience to find out if the work they do fits the Invest programme outcomes Key message: Must be able to evidence the difference they make. If they don’t have appropriate systems in place, we may be able to provide support through our enhance programme. Notes: EXPLAIN – SLIDE DOESN’T INCLUDE ALL OUTCOMES - REFER TO GUIDELINES FOR THE FULL LIST Transition Outcomes: Safe, independent and able to make positive choices Becoming employed Becoming a regular volunteer (more than 20 hours in a 6 month period) Have not re-offended (in the previous 6 months) Achieved accredited qualifications Progressed into or re-entered education or training Achieved increased basic skills Progression into safe and suitable accommodation Progression into independent living Safely managing addictions Better able to manage their mental health issues PROGRESSION OUTCOMES Improved safety Improved self esteem/confidence Improved physical health Improved mental health Reduced isolation/increased support networks Improved employability Reduced stress/anxiety Improved budgeting/money management skills Managing a tenancy and accommodation Reduced substance misuse/addictive behaviour Improved basic skills Improved living skills Highlight and talk through a couple of the Outcomes. Explain the difference between the Transition outcome and the Progression Outcomes: Transition outcomes – These are the end outcomes – ( could be referred to as hard outcomes) - that evidence a specific achievement or goal e.g. someone starting work or training or moving into a suitable place for them to live Progression outcomes – these are the things that need to be achieved to meet the transition outcomes - e.g. Increased basic skills / employability as progress towards a working future. These often give a better indication of the effectiveness of projects, particular those who work with people with multiple disadvantage and where the end outcomes are hard to attain within the life of the project e.g. getting a job. Q’s Likely questions: Q: What if we have outcomes not in your list? Q: Do you include soft outcomes? A: Yes, some of our progression outcomes maybe considered to be “soft outcomes” Again, we’ll only ask you to give indicative targets and report against the outcomes we’ve listed, although we recognise that you’ll likely to achieve many more with your work.

10 ENABLE programme Enable Examples of support which may be provided:
Must meet focus on multiple disadvantage and transition Where a charity has identified a specific organisational development need Must have a clear plan of activities Total grant of up to £15k up to 2 years Must meet at least one of the Enable programme outcomes Enable Point of slide: for audience to find out if the work they do fits the Enable programme and what they can apply for Key message: This programme is aimed at charities which have identified development needs. In some cases an organisation might apply for an Invest grant, but be offered an Enable grant to address issues which arise at assessment. Notes: An enable grant may be used to increase the capacity of an organisation, to enable it to apply to the Invest programme. Examples of support which may be provided: Gain / renew relevant quality accreditations Improving governance Improving / implementing new financial systems Developing / implementing new monitoring systems Test sustainability plans (pilot work / social enterprise etc) Pilot work with evaluation Development or organisational planning – business planning / comms strategy etc The examples are not prescriptive, but all support must meet one of the programme outcomes. Likely questions: refer to FAQ’s Q: Can I apply for an enable grant and an Invest grant? Q: Will I need to wait a year after an enable grant before applying for an invest grant? Q: Can staff time be included in the implementation costs Q: If I need consultancy support – who will decide which consultant has to be used?

11 ENABLE programme outcomes
(Including pilots; assessment of needs; user satisfaction; service reviews; project planning; collaboration with others) IMPROVED ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES (Including review of board/committee policy and practice; trustee training; involving users; change management; social entrepreneurship) IMPROVED LEADERSHIP/GOVERNANCE (Including business planning; fundraising strategies/income generation/ policy/procedure reviews) IMPROVED STRATEGIC PLANNING/POLICY (including finance controls; human resources; management of volunteers; risk management; monitoring frameworks; impact assessment) IMPROVED STRUCTURES/SYSTEMS (Including marketing and communications; website development; reaching new audiences; recruiting volunteers) IMPROVED COMMUNICATIONS Point of slide: for audience to find out if the work they wish to do fits the Enable programme outcomes

12 ENHANCE programme Enhance Must be in receipt of either an Invest or an Enable grant. Support Providers currently include: Lloyds Banking Group colleague support, Charities Evaluation Services, Triangle Consulting and a long list of independent consultants A range of tailored support to help to strengthen the effectiveness of those we fund in reaching disadvantaged people Point of slide: for audience to find out if the work they will be eligible for the enhance programme Key message: Charities told us they need more than just funding – such as access to skills and advice. Building on our experience as a relationship based funder, we will work with partners (including Lloyds Bank Group) and connect charities with the people who can help them. Notes: Any support offered is optional – it will not affect your grant / future funding if you are offered support but decline it. We have engaged with a number of providers to support us in this work, which we continue to develop in addition to those listed above – Cranfield Trust, NCVO, School for Social Entrepreneurs, Pilotlight, Trustee Finder, Worshipful Company of Management Consultants – this is continuing to grow. Likely Questions: refer to FAQ’s How do I request support under the Enhance Programme? If a development need is identified during the assessment process – won’t this affect my chances of getting a grant? What if I turn down the support offered? At what stage will support under this programme be offered? How often can I access support? Support is optional

13 How to apply Next window for new applications Grant Round 1 (2017)
5th September – 14th October Decision notified in April 2017 Point of slide: for charities who fit to know how to make an application Key message: Use the website. Read the eligibility criteria. Notes: Talk through process. Give an idea of timescales.

14 Successful application
What next? Successful application Monitoring visits and reports Continuation funding Enhance offer if appropriate Unsuccessful application Feedback Reapplying Point of slide: to explain what happens after getting a decision on an application Notes: Successful: Need to briefly mention that expected to report on each year, and that they’ll likely to get a monitoring visit from the GM to see how things are going. Will discuss how to apply for continuation funding, how to get Enhance in more detail at assessment visit or when grant awarded as not focus of today. Unsuccessful: explain process of reapplying and waiting and encourage to ask for feedback Likely Questions: Q: If my application is unsuccessful, how long will I have to wait before I can reapply Q: If I’m unsuccessful with an Invest grant, do I have to wait before I apply for an Enable grant?

15 National Programmes 1. Developing the HomeShare model
With more people living longer but needing support & young people needing accommodation. 1. Developing the HomeShare model All our grantees are under pressure in an increasingly competitive environment focused on scale & size, yet small and local has real value 2. Championing small & medium-sized charities 3rd largest area we fund yet sector under real pressure; 1 in 4 women affected with social & econ impact; cycles of abuse unbroken 3. Improving responses to Domestic Abuse

16 Any questions? Web address:
Phone number: GM’s address: Point of slide: to show presentation is at the end and explain how will deal with any further questions Key message: Direct people to website.

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