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Mothering Sunday 2017.

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1 Mothering Sunday 2017

2 What is Mothering Sunday?
Mothering Sunday is a day of celebration of our mothers, their care and concern for us, and the love that they gave us. It can also be a day to celebrate all those who care for others and for consideration for those for whom this can be a painful time. Welcare has been supporting mothers and families since its foundation, and raising awareness about their work on Mothering Sunday is a perfect way to acknowledge all that mothers do, the struggles they can encounter and those who care for children more generally, as well as those who may have a difficult experience on Mothering Sunday.

3 Welcare - Strengthening Families
Welcare is a Christian charity that serves families throughout South London and East Surrey as they have done since Welcare delivers a range of targeted social work and family support services, parenting courses, group work programmes, mentoring services for children aged 8-13 and a Children’s Centre in Redhill. Welcare staff work with individual children and their parents, and are are wonderfully supported by trained volunteers. They work in community settings, their centres and in the family home. They work to build on the positive elements of family lives and to prevent problems happening by intervening early and breaking the cycles that may become entrenched.

4 Welcare Supports Parents
Most parents want to be the best parent they can for their child, but sometimes life challenges you. Relationships breakdown, illness, domestic abuse, financial hardship, mental health challenges and addiction may mean that a parent needs a helping hand. Across South London, East Surrey and Bromley, Welcare helps mothers and fathers to be the very best parent they can. All parents need to prepare a child for later life to enable them to thrive - Welcare provides a helping hand when they need as illustrated by Jodie and Claire’s story.

5 Jodie & Claire’s Story Jodie was seven when she came to us. She was withdrawn, anxious and guarded – words one should never have to use to describe a child. While her childhood had started off as a happy one, after Jodie turned seven, her mother Claire was sadly diagnosed with MS. A once active, energetic and fun-loving household was rocked by the diagnosis. On top of the physical symptoms - pain, exhaustion, difficulty walking - Claire developed depression and began experiencing erratic moods.

6 Jodie & Claire’s Story She felt her sense of control and her ability to provide for her family slipping away. Jodie and Claire’s relationship was suffering, and this was deeply affecting Jodie’s emotional wellbeing. Thanks to the support of our donors, our dedicated staff were able to match Jodie with one of our fantastic volunteer mentors and to help Claire access the counselling and health support that she needed.

7 Jodie & Claire’s Story Jodie’s mentor gave her time and attention, and helped her build confidence, allowing her mother the space to focus on gaining control of her new life and understand the best way she could now provide for her daughter. Without this support, Jodie was facing a future of uncertainty and anxiety. A future where her relationship with her mother would face continual pressure. Jodie and Claire both needed the kind of individual time and care that only charities like Welcare can provide, thanks to our donors.

8 A Prayer for Mothering Sunday
God of love, passionate and strong, tender and careful: watch over us and hold us all the days of our life; through Jesus Christ, Mary’s child. Amen

9 The Welcare Prayer Living God, You have made us in your own image And we live and grow best in companionship with others: Bless the work of Welcare with parents, carers and children. May Welcare staff, volunteers and supporters continue to provide places and spaces where trust is grown, understanding enabled, relationships developed, new confidence found and potential released. Amen.

10 T: 020 7820 7910 E: @welcareuk
Please support the work of Welcare to enable the charity to be here now, here always for local children and families T: E: Southwark Diocesan Welcare is a Charity registered in England & Wales ( ). Registered office: 19 Frederick Crescent London SW9 6XN @welcareuk

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