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2 Bible Studies From Ecclesiastes
Finding Life's Meaning Under The Sun Bible Studies From Ecclesiastes

3 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE SEARCH: Trying To Find The Meaningful Life :12 – 2:26 THE PROBLEM: Understanding God’s Providential Rule Over Life 3:1 – 5:20 THE APPLICATION: Explaining & Applying God’s Plan 6:1 – 8:15 Trusting God & Living Joyfully In An Uncertain World 8:16 – 12:8 4

4 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God appoints all things vv. 1-11 “There is an appointed time for everything…” Solomon is emphasizing God’s sovereign control over all events that happen in life To illustrate, he lists 14 “couplets” vv. 2-8

5 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God appoints all things vv. 1-11 He is not teaching man must find the right time to engage in these activities Even things man might “choose” (plant, uproot) must still be done under conditions only God controls (rain, sun, seasons, etc.)

6 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God appoints all things vv. 1-11 These “couplets” might be puzzling in that providence brings about conditions where we do 1 thing today…the opposite is done tomorrow

7 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God appoints all things vv. 1-11 With all these “conditions” under God’s control, Solomon still asks “What is man’s profit from that which he toils?” v cp. 1:3 These tasks = something God has given man to occupy himself with v. 10

8 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God appoints all things vv. 1-11 All man does is controlled by a higher law Some might contend such a view = “fatalistic” (pre-determined…man is only a “puppet”) To counter such, Solomon states “God makes everything beautiful in its time” v. 11a

9 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God appoints all things vv. 1-11 Only God can decide whether something is “appropriate” (beautiful) Only a sovereign God can produce something “good” (helps reveal His will to us) in a world full of “puzzles” Rom 8:28 Eph 1:11b

10 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God appoints all things vv. 1-11 Only He is wise enough to see the “end from the beginning” Isa 46:8-11 Accomplished through Divine providence Joseph Gen 37:3-4, :1 – 45: :20 Paul Acts 21:27 – 28:31 Phil 1:12-18

11 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God appoints all things vv. 1-11 God has also blessed man unlike any other creature Ù he has “eternity” v. 11b Gen 2:7 Deep within every man is this eternal longing… he asks questions re: what life is, what it offers

12 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God appoints all things vv. 1-11 Man will not be able to find out life’s meaning “under the sun” v. 11c Man’s wisdom is too limited to find out all God has done “…from the beginning even to the end” v. 11c Deut 29:29 Jer 10: Cor 1:21

13 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God gives man blessings to enjoy vv Man can enjoy the fruits from what he does that is “good in his lifetime” v. 12 It is all the gift of God v cp. 2:24 It comes from no other source Eccl 2:25 Acts 14: : Jas 1:5, 17

14 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God’s will cannot be thwarted vv All that God does “…will remain forever” v. 14a Another strong indicator of His sovereign rule Man cannot “add to it” nor “subtract from it” v. 14b cp. Josh 1: Mt 24: Pet 1: Rev 22:18-19

15 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God’s will cannot be thwarted vv Solomon emphasizes God’s “orderly” control of all human events v. 15 Nothing happens randomly…it is providential It all occurs with a precision only God can possess

16 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God’s will cannot be thwarted vv Interesting translation re: v. 15b “…for God requires an account of what is past.” [KJV, NKJV] True 2 Cor 5:10 Does this fit the context?

17 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God’s will cannot be thwarted vv Interesting translation re: v. 15b “…for God seeks what has passed by.” [NASV] Emphasis Ù God’s ability to use past events to accomplish present & future purposes

18 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God’s will cannot be thwarted vv Interesting translation re: v. 15b What was bemoaned as “life’s monotony” (1:9) now seems to be praised as God’s orderly and providential control (3:15) “Under the sun” vs. “Above the sun”

19 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15 God’s will cannot be thwarted vv Interesting translation re: v. 15b What was bemoaned as “life’s monotony” (1:9) now seems to be praised as God’s orderly and providential control (3:15) “Under the sun” vs. “Above the sun”

20 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Although Koheleth had no problem admitting the previous truths, he also has questions that seem to baffle him These do appear to be “jarring contradictions” Key phrases Ù “I saw” or “I have seen”

21 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20
Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Why is there injustice? 3:16-22 Solomon saw wickedness in the place of justice and righteousness v. 16 Not the observation of a cynic He also admits both the righteous & the wicked will be judged by God v. 17


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