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Objectives Content Objective: I can analyze how the branches of government relates to the constitution by finding connections in the articles of the constitution.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives Content Objective: I can analyze how the branches of government relates to the constitution by finding connections in the articles of the constitution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives Content Objective: I can analyze how the branches of government relates to the constitution by finding connections in the articles of the constitution. Language Objective: I can write to explain how the branches of government relates to the constitution using the sentence stem: ______ states………. KESSEROUANI

2 Three Branches To make sure power is limited we have the three branches: Legislative Branch: Makes laws Executive Branch: Enforces law (Can veto bill) Judicial Branch- Interprets law Supreme Court- Highest court (Federal)

3 Wednesday Separation of powers: Power that is separated, or divided among the three branches of government Ex.Separation of power helps to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful Articles: Parts of the constitution Read and highlight. Share with a partner, then pair up with another group

4 Thursday objectives Content Objective: I can apply how a bill becomes a law by carrying out and presenting a pretend bill Language Objective: I can write to explain how a bill becomes a law using the sentence stem The first step is……. The second is……. The next is….. The last is……..

5 Ex. The president can veto a bill
Checks and Balances: The way in which the different branches of government keep each other from having too much power Ex. The president can veto a bill

6 How a bill becomes a law - (Essay)
Writing a Bill Someone has an idea Congress agrees and write bill Going to committee Analyze and discuss bill Committee may re-write, accept or do nothing with the bill Getting Majority Votes Congress votes- If starts in senate, senate votes first. If starts in House of Representative, house votes first. If bill passes it moves to other. Getting Prez Signature If president Signs it becomes a law If president vetoes, congress can override with ⅔ vote

7 With a partner, think about this topic:
Partner A: “One thing I know about ________ Branch is… Partner B: Another thing I know about the _______ is… Legislative, Judicial, Executive

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