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Research using the TAMU Libraries

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1 Research using the TAMU Libraries
ARCH 681 Graduate Seminar Research using the TAMU Libraries

2 Welcome! From the TAMU Libraries
Collections 4.5+ million volumes 400,000+ e-books 9th among US public academic libraries (top in SEC!) Top 33% in Architectural holdings among ARLs 6 CS branches (does not incl. TRC in Langford)

3 Common Formula for Academic Writing
Introduction/Problem Statement Literature Review Methodology Analysis/Discussion Findings/Conclusion/Questions for Future Research

4 Literature Review: The Foundation for your research!
Lit. review is the foundation which grounds your original contribution in the established scholarly literature of the discipline. Sources: Always Use The Best Quality! Books Scholarly / professional journal articles Conference papers / presentations / proceedings Government reports / materials Theses / dissertations Industry standards “Standing on the shoulders of Giants.”—Sir Isaac Newton

5 How to Find Sources Books=LibCat or WorldCat
Scholarly/professional journal articles=Library databases Conference materials can be tricky (sometimes in LibCat, sometimes in databases) Gov’t materials can be in LibCat and other sources Theses/dissertations=databases Industry standards=multiple sources

6 Electronic Resource Search Tips:
Things to remember when using computers for research: Computers do not understand concepts, computers take search strings literally Narrow your topic appropriately for the assignment Search under synonyms and alternate spellings (esp. when using international resources)

7 Electronic Resource Tips (cont’d)
Other recommendations: truncate when needed or if unsure of spelling truncation symbols (a.k.a. “wildcards”) vary with different databases (usu. !, ?, *, or $) e.g. architect? = architect, architects, architecture architectural, etc. Boolean logic (AND, OR, and NOT) can narrow or expand a search each database and index works differently, read the instructions or help pages carefully

8 Other Library Resources
Subject/Lib Guides “Get it for me!” Class Guides Citing Sources Course Reserves Study Rooms Audio-Visuals Chat

9 The “Best” Resource? IT DEPENDS! No “one best way”
Each project is different Some databases address very technical subjects (computer modeling, engineering) Other databases concentrate on social sciences All TAMU databases chosen for quality! CAST YOUR NETS FAR AND WIDE!

10 Select TAMU Library Databases
LibCat Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals Projekt Dyabola JSTOR ARTSTOR Compendex / EiVillage Science Citation Index Digital Dissertations

11 QUESTIONS? Pauline Melogza, Assoc. Prof OR

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