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John T. Seeman DOE PEP-II Operations Review April 26, 2006

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1 John T. Seeman DOE PEP-II Operations Review April 26, 2006
Program Upgrades, Downtime Planning, Resources for the PEP-II B-Factory John T. Seeman DOE PEP-II Operations Review April 26, 2006

2 OPS Review Topics Does the program have adequate resources (i.e. manpower, funding, etc) allocated to carry out the plans? Is laboratory management effectively tracking progress?

3 Topics Run Planning Run Operation PEP-II Performance Goals:
Less than 3 aborts per day < 1 RF abort per day < 1 radiation abort per day < 1 “all other” abort per day Uptime >> 90%. Run statistics Abort statistics

4 PEP-II Scheduling PEP-II Accelerator Run Planning is done with:
Laboratory Director (J. Dorfan) Particle and Particle-Astrophysics Directorate (P. Drell) Assistant Director of PPA for Accelerator Systems (J. Seeman) PEP-II Run Coordinator (U. Wienands) BaBar Spokesman (D. MacFarlane) BaBar Technical Coordinator (W. Wisniewski) BaBar Run Coordinators (J. McKenna, G. Bonneaud ) Technical staff Power Manager (G. Loew) Operations Head (R. Erickson) Spokespersons of other small experiments.

5 Scheduling Committee

6 Scheduling Committee Scheduling Committee members:
J. Seeman (Chair), R. Erickson, C. Field, J. Weisend, W. Wisniewski, R. Hettel, P. Pianetta, D. Schultz, R. M. Boyce Meeting every few months as needed. Propose running schedule to the Directorate Provides power requirements versus month.

7 Accelerator Schedule

8 Over all PEP-II Down Schedule 2004-2010
2005 down: October 11-November 15 2006 down: August - November, 2006. 2007 down: September – November 2007 Every downtime is planned in great detail (See available handouts).



11 PEP-II Task Force Structure to review risks
April 2006

12 Ongoing Accelerator Improvement Projects (AIP)
X-Y BPM upgrades New HER Q5 vacuum chambers New HER/LER Q2 chambers HER-10 RF station HER-11 RF station HER power supply upgrade for higher tunes 2006 New HER Q4 vacuum chambers NEW IR2 Q2 bellows LER IR HOM absorber HER IR HOM absorber LER BPM monitor upgrade LER new high power bellows LER NEG vacuum chamber upgrade 2006 New Longitudinal feedback processor 2006 Cost of remaining AIP projects is about 7 M$ spread over two years. PEP-II AIP expenditures from averaged about 5 M$ each year.

13 Projects reviews for Accelerator Division Hardware Projects
All projects for PEP-II this year!

14 Management: Reliability is important Reliability/Tuning Task Force: Mattison/Himel
Work more to reduce “aborts.” Reduce “tuning time” after aborts or repair outage. RF group is making very steady progress but have more to do to fix root causes. ARTEMIS reporting system is a good recording tool. PEP-II “tune” feedbacks could use improvements. Upgrade dither feedbacks at the IP. Area managers: Upgrade turn-on check lists.

15 Delivered luminosity matches prediction since March 1.
Today FFTB removal delay Vacuum repair Prediction start date April 20, 2006

16 Lab Management: Future PEP-II Overall Parameter Goals
Units Design Present in collision 2007 goal I+ mA 2140 2940 4000 I- 750 1720 2200 Number bunches 1658 1732 by* mm 15-20 11 8.5 Bunch length 15 11-12 9 xy 0.03 Luminosity x1033 3.0 10 20 Int lumi / day pb-1 130 728 1300 Over three times design Five times design

17 New Integrated Luminosity Projection March 2006
2007 down 2006 down

18 Long Time Comparison Compare: Look at: Reveal failures
March-June 2003 with July-September 2005 Look at: Time accounting MTTF, MTTR Reveal failures

19 Run 5a Run-Time Accounting
Now with reliability improvements and trickle injection Two years ago M. Stanek B. Allen R. Erickson



22 January 15, 2006 Luminosity LER current HER current

23 PEP-II Highest Luminosity October 9, 2005

24 RF aborts November 22-28, 2005 (Van Winkle)

25 RF Aborts December 10-16, 2005 (Van Winkle)

26 Weekly Operations Reports
Keep track of running hours Assign lost hours to hardware areas

27 Weekly Report September 26-October 2, 2005 (Erickson, Stanek)

28 September 26-October 2, 2005 (Erickson, Stanek)


30 Weekly Report January 2-8, 2006 (Erickson, Stanek)

31 PEP-II Down Statistics

32 Reports to DOE Account for running hours Report integrated luminosity
Quarterly reports Weekly update reports

33 FY2003 Run performance (Stanek)

34 FY2004 Run Performance (Stanek)

35 FY2005 Run Performance (Stanek)

36 FY2006 Run Performance (Stanek)

37 PEP-II Conclusions SLAC management has set luminosity goals and we track our progress against those goals. Teams are in place to study PEP-II operations, accelerator physics, and to improve reliability methods and root causes. Operators, engineering staff, technicians, and maintenance people are in place to carry out the PEP-II program. We track carefully the abort rates and outages to improve reliability, uptime, and average luminosity. Short term abort rate was high in December 2005 – March 2006 due to new vacuum related instabilities. Abort rates are much lower now that the vacuum repairs have been made. Resources are adequate carry out the program.

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