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This quiz will introduce you to some interesting facts about our world, and will inform you of the Millenium Goals set for 2015.

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2 This quiz will introduce you to some interesting facts about our world, and will inform you of the Millenium Goals set for 2015.


4 1. Which country is the most generous?
A) America B) Canada C) Luxembourg D) Denmark

5 The most generous country is Luxembourg.
$314 per person is donated to other countries. The second most generous country is Norway, where $305 is donated per head.

6 2. Which is the world’s most popular religion?
A) Buddism B) Islam (Muslim) C) Hinduism D) Christianity

7 Christianity is the most popular at 33%.
The next most popular religion is Islam (18.3%), followed by Hinduism (13.5%). Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

8 3. Which is the world’s most popular language?
A) Spanish B) English C) Chinese Mandarin D) Hindi

9 The world’s most popular language is Chinese Mandarin, spoken by 14
The world’s most popular language is Chinese Mandarin, spoken by 14.37% of the world’s population. The second ,most popular is Hindi (6.02%), followed by English (5.61%),and close behind - Spanish (5.59%)

10 4. Which country has the highest birth-rate?
India Uganda China Niger

11 Niger has the highest birth-rate with 48 babies born per 1000 people every year.
Uganda is second at 47 babies. India ranks at no. 91 with 22 babies. Britain ranks at 189 in the world with 10.8 babies

12 5. How many people are victims of landmines every year?
B) 2,000 C) 20,000 D) 200,000

13 Ninety countries in the world are affected by landmines.
20,000 people are killed or maimed by landmines every year.

14 6. What percentage of the world’s people live in extreme poverty (on less than 50p a day)?
B) 9% C) 15% D) 20%

15 20% of the world’s population live on less than 20p a day, but this is falling. In 1990 the figure was 28%. The number of people living in poverty is falling most rapidly in Asia. In Africa the figure remains constant.

16 7. By how many millions of hectares are the world’s forests decreasing every year?
A) 1 million B) 3 million C) 5 million D) 7 million

17 The world’s forests are decreasing by 7
The world’s forests are decreasing by 7.3 million hectares every year, even taking into account re-planting. That is an area the size of the countries Sierra Leone or Panama. This figure has fallen from 8.9 million between 1990 – 2000.

18 8. Throughout the world what percentage of girls attend Primary School?
B) 80% C) 60% D) 50%

19 80% of girls receive Primary education
80% of girls receive Primary education. 1 in 5 girls receive no education at all. 1 in 6 boys does not receive any basic education. These are mostly boys who live in rural areas.

20 9. How many African children are orphaned (have no living parents to care for them)?
A) 1 million B) 3 ½ million C) 5 ¼ million D) 12 million

21 12 million African children are orphans.
Many of their parents have died in civil wars, but most have been struck down by Aids. 38.6 million people worldwide are currently living with HIV/Aids.

22 10. What percentage of parliamentary seats worldwide are currently held by women?

23 17% of parliamentary seats worldwide are currently held by women.
Rwanda comes the closest to having equality between men and women. Women won 49% of the seats in the 2003 election.

24 So if you ruled the world, what promises would you make to create a better place?

25 Millennium Goals Set for 2015
"The Millennium Development Goals were adopted by all the world's Governments as a blueprint for building a better world in the 21st century." Kofi Annan

26 Reduce poverty Educate every child Provide equal chances for girls and women Reduce the number of babies who die Ensure safe and healthy motherhood Fight Infectious diseases Clean up the Environment Share responsibility for making the world a better place through fairer trade, more aid and debt relief.

27 Glossary percentage – number out of a hundred victim – sufferer
basic – fundamental, necessary orphan – a child without living parents

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