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Mild Environment Qualification and Maintenance

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1 Mild Environment Qualification and Maintenance
Marie Nemier, Seismic & EQ Manager - QualTech NP

2 Mild Environment Qualification and Maintenance
Outline  Definition Significant aging mechanisms Example: Relay life extension program of naturally aged relays Open Part 21 of relay Importance of preventative maintenance / surveillance Any actions required by SC-2

3 Definition IEEE 323-1983 IEEE 323-2003
An environment expected as s result of normal service conditions and extremes (abnormal) in service conditions where seismic is the only design basis event (DBE) of consequence. IEEE An environment that would at no time be significantly more severe than the environment that would occur during normal operation, including anticipated operational occurrence.

4 Definition (2) Significant aging mechanism definition
An aging mechanism that, under normal and abnormal service conditions, causes degradation of equipment that progressively and appreciably renders the equipment vulnerable to failure to perform its safety function(s) during the design basis conditions.

5 Significant aging mechanism examples
Pressure Radiation Operational cycles Temperature Humidity Non-seismic vibration

6 Significant aging mechanism examples (2)
Normal state (i.e., Energized or De-Energized) In–cabinet heat rise In-cabinet air circulation Proximity to other components

7 Relay Life Extension Test Program
Received over 100 relays from utility that were removed from service Many relays were original equipment installed (~40yrs old) Based number to test on the EPRI sampling plan

8 Relay Life Extension Test Program (2)
Types of relays: Auxiliary Control Time Delay Protective Over-voltage Protective Over-current Protective Differential Lock-out

9 Relay Life Extension Test Program (3)
Program consisted of the following tasks: Initial receipt inspection for any signs of deterioration Functional test Operational cycling -100 cycles at rated load Seismic test Final functional test Evaluation

10 Relay Life Extension Test Program (4)
Relays were received with a great variability in condition Most relays showed no signs of significant wear, degradation or damage Common discovery – high contact resistance Some relays were found with evidence of over-heating Charred case Cracked solder Brittle case

11 Relay Life Extension Test Program (5)
Good Visual Condition with no Evidence of Degradation

12 Relay Life Extension Test Program (6)
Good Visual Condition with no Evidence of Degradation

13 Relay Life Extension Test Program (7)
Evidence of Over-Heating

14 Relay Life Extension Test Program (8)
Evidence of Over-Heating

15 Relay Life Extension Test Program (9)
Evidence of Over-Heating

16 Relay Life Extension Test Program (10)
Evidence of Brittle Plastic

17 Relay Life Extension Test Program (11)
Good Visual Condition with no Evidence of Degradation

18 Relay Life Extension Test Program (12)
Seismic Testing

19 Relay Life Extension Test Program (13)
Seismic Testing

20 Relay Life Extension Test Program (13)
Conclusions Failures were not identified during preventative maintenance / surveillance Significant aging mechanisms (in-cabinet heat rise and proximity to other components) impacted mild environment seismic qualification and the ability of the relay to perform its safety function during a DBE The failures were not common mode – relays without significant aging mechanisms performed to original qualification levels or higher

21 Recently Issued Part 21 Event #49911 Docket #99901414
Filed by Waterford 3 on 3/13/14 regarding Allen Bradley 700RTC Timing Relays to QualTech NP supplied relays Identified that the relays had a common mode failure causing the relay to spuriously de-energize Failure investigated by SwRI and determined to be solder joint on control circuit and failed internal capacitor – failure unable to be replicated in the lab Actions taken immediately: relays that are normally energized limited to 3 year qualified life

22 Recently Issued Part 21 (2)
QualTech NP Response Part 21 did not draw a definitive conclusion that the failures were caused by manufacturing deficiency Discussions with the plant found that the relays were installed in a fire rated cabinet with no ventilation or air flow All 5 relays that failed were located in the top right of the panel Normal temperature in the cabinet ºF Relays are normally energized near maximum rated coil voltage (134Vdc vs Vdc) Other relays installed at lower temperatures have had no failures

23 Recently Issued Part 21 (3)
QualTech NP Response Inspection found localized discoloration of the relay Tested the 700RTC relay at maximum coil voltage at 140ºF for several weeks with no failures Internal gel inside capacitor had “dried out” Although marginal solder joint and a degraded capacitor were found, there is no link to the reported failure The failure is not caused by a defect but application specific conditions induced premature aging

24 Mild Environment Qualification Significant Aging Mechanisms
Summary Requires evaluation of significant aging mechanisms to verify that there is no impact on ability of the component to perform its safety function during DBE Mild Environment Qualification Local conditions (i.e.; in-cabinet heat rise, normally energized, lack of air flow) need to be accounted for when qualifying Significant Aging Mechanisms White Paper Annex Appendix in IEEE 323 or 344 Future actions?

25 Marie Nemier 513.528.7900 ext.2137

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