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The Sportscape (Non) Season Ticket Holder perceptions Introduction

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1 The Sportscape (Non) Season Ticket Holder perceptions Introduction
Tomás Benzo, Sydney Livingston, Connor Adams & Dr. Scott Swanson | Management & Marketing Department Introduction On October 11, 2015 the Philadelphia Eagles hosted the New Orleans Saints for a divisional rivalry game. Using an intercept approach 466 spectators completed a questionnaire that focused on identifying perceptions of a variety of sportscape characteristics. Demographic and behavioral measures were also included in the study. Purpose The purpose of this research was to examine the perceptions of sportscape factors as experienced by spectators at a sporting event. Sportscape factors specifically relate to the service metrics within an arena. Some of these metrics include: Stadium operations, stadium logistics, stadium personnel, concessions, restrooms, and seating. Concession & Restroom attitudes & feelings between STH and Non STH STH vs Non-STH Concessions & Restrooms While analyzing the data we had collected from the surveys, we discovered that concessions and restrooms had the lowest ratings compared to the other questions. We also discovered significant differences between season ticket holders and non-season ticket holders answers to these questions. The question “The concession stands are big enough to handle the crowds” had received an overall score of 3.89 out of 5. Interestingly, season ticket holders rated this question a 3.7 out of 5 and non-season ticket holders rated it a 3.95 out of 5. The lowest rated question, “The restrooms are large enough to handle the crowds”, received an overall score of a 3.89 out of 5. However, season ticket holders rated this question a 3.68 out of 5, their lowest rating. Non-season ticket holders rated this question a 3.96 out of 5. Findings Prolonged exposure lead to harsher criticism of stadium amenities Stadium amenities differences between STH & Non STHs As noted previously, we identified several statistically differences in the measured servicescape factors between Season Ticket Holders (STH) and Non-Season Ticket Holders. Specifically, STH consistently reported lower evaluations for the measured service metrics compared to non-STH. We believe that the harsher criticism seen in the Sportscape metrics is primarily attributed to the prolonged exposure to stadium amenities over a longer period time. Furthermore if you examine the difference in average amount of years attended Eagles game, we saw that the Season ticket holders were much higher than non-season ticket holders. As a season ticket holder, they have many more touch points with all these services offered by the Eagles which allow for more opportunities to have negative experiences. Furthermore when examining the prolonged exposure effects, we believe that Non Season Ticket Holders are rating the service metrics much higher because they are likely attending fewer games. With this attendance record we believe the individual is more focused on the overall experience rather than the specific experience with the service metrics. With increased exposure it is possible that a shift in perceptions might occur. Stadium operations & Spatial evaluation Conclusions From our data we saw there were many differences between the season ticket holders and the non-season ticket holders. We saw the biggest differences when we observed their attitudes specifically towards seating and stadium arrangements. The season ticket holders were overall much more critical of those services provided by the Philadelphia Eagles. Furthermore they also were much more critical about the concessions and restrooms. Lastly, with the small investment corrective actions, we believe the team can see positive ROI from these actions much quicker due to the small investment. From the data gathered from the questionnaires, we also looked at stadium personnel, the stadium itself, and space within the stadium. The stadium and personnel both rated positively with few differences reported between season ticket holders and non-season ticket holders. Stadium Personnel were rated relatively well. These questions got overall mean ratings of 4.20 (responsiveness), 4.21 (assurance), and 4.26 (empathy). There were no statistically significant differences between how season ticket holders and non-season ticket holders rated the stadium personnel. The stadium itself was rated the highest out of all the questions. This included the questions: “This is an attractive stadium”, the highest rated question, with an overall rating of 4.31 out of 5. The other questions had overall ratings of 4.23 (scoreboard), 4.19 (signage), and 4.17 (layout). Stadium amenities showed no statistically significant differences between season ticket holders and non-season ticket holders. The space within the stadium had lower overall ratings compared to the other servicescape factors measured in the study. This category also had significant (p < .05) differences between season ticket holders and non-season ticket holders. Overall, season ticket holders rated the eating space, sitting space, and walkway space lower than did non-season ticket holder’s. Eagles personnel differences between STH & perception Non STHs Introductory findings In this study we conducted a study where we examined the differences between the two types of individuals that identified as either a season ticket holder or non season ticker holder. We compared these groups on such as variables such as sex, age, income, and if they were a season ticket holder. When we examined the groups according to gender we saw that males were much more present by over 65%. Furthermore we saw that there was an relatively even distribution on education level. Additionally, when examining income level we saw a range from 10, ,000. Lastly, more than 50% of respondents were 37 years of old and younger. Future research In terms of additional research for this topic, we believe there are many avenues to further the knowledge of Sportscape perceptions and attitudes. To further our findings specific to this current study, we would want to measure the actual number of games attended to test our hypothesis that prolonged exposure to stadium amenities is a viable explanation for the findings.

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