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Religious and Secular Power

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1 Religious and Secular Power
Medieval Church Religious and Secular Power

2 The Medieval Catholic Church
filled the power vacuum left from the collapse of the classical world. F) Light in the darkness- CHURCH The only common thread was Christianity Life was difficult/ Christianity offered hope Many of these new converts used Christianity as a reason to wage “Holy Wars” for their own power Torture Monasteries- proved to be the center of commerce/ politics and learning It was where the action was (Best and the Brightest had protection and access to knowledge) Filled the vacuum left by the death of the classical world ( They Preserved it)

3 Religious Power

4 The Medieval Catholic Church
filled the power vacuum left from the collapse of the classical world. monasticism: St. Benedict – Benedictine Rule of poverty, chastity, and obedience. provided schools for the children of the upper class. inns, hospitals, refuge in times of war. libraries & scriptoria to copy books and illuminate manuscripts. monks  missionaries to the barbarians. [St. Patrick, St. Boniface] Benedictine Monk- 1)St Benedict left life as a noble to be a hermit 2)Supposedly he worked miracles and became a rising star 3)People started following his ways and sending their kids to learn from him (why?) a) Strict/ Obedient b) Rule of St. Benedict- No Speaking/ Don’t exercise your own will- only way to be God Like' c) Friction- Middle and upper class privileged kids didn’t like being told what to do- They would be Doctors, Lawyers today Some of them actually attempted to kill St. Benedict Monasteries and Convents- Safe haven from Darkness—SEE SLIDE FOR ROLES OF MONESTERIES

5 The Power of the Medieval Church
bishops and abbots played a large part in the feudal system. (Church and Political) the church controlled about 1/3 of the land in Western Europe. tried to curb feudal warfare  only days a year for combat. curb heresies  crusades; Inquisition tithe  1/10 tax on your assets given to the church. Peter’s Pence  1 penny per person [paid by the peasants].

6 The Medieval Catholic Church
- Life was harsh - life span was short - There was a good chance people would meet their maker sooner than later - Sacraments- paved the way for salvation

7 A Medieval Monastery: The Scriptorium

8 A Medieval Monk’s Day

9 Hierarchy of Church Pope Clergy Bishops Priests - Similar to Feudal Heirarchy

10 Feudalism A political, economic, and social system based on loyalty and military service. Lords, vassals and fiefs Three primary elements characterized feudalism: lords, vassals, and fiefs; the group of feudalism can be seen in how these three elements fit together. A lord granted land (a fief) to his vassals. In exchange for the fief, the vassal would provide military service to the lord. The obligations and relations between lord, vassal and fief form the basis of feudalism. -key concepts of lords, vassals, and fiefs -It was a simple, but effective system, where all land was owned by the King. One quarter was kept by the King as his personal property, some was given to the church and the rest was leased out under strict controls.

11 Canon Law=Religious and Political
All Christians subject to church law Marriage (Divorce), interpretation of scripture, science etc.

12 Popes Main Threat= Excommunication
Excommunication- Don Swartzentruber Banishment from Church Believed to be more than just a political slap on the wrist It was believed an instant ticket to eternal damnation This was one of the popes biggest power plays No Salvation/ all king’s vassals were freed from their duties

13 INTERDICT Sacraments and religious services could not be performed in the King’s lands This would fire up all of the kings servant (they didn’t want to be doomed to hell) Usually a king would relent and submit to Pope…….for now!


15 Hieronymus Bosch’s depiction of hell

AFTER CHARLEMAGNE WAS CROWNED HRE in 800, clashes would continue over secular and religious rulers of the Western Christian world.

17 CAUSES #1 Otto I (Otto the Great) wanted to limit power of nobility (to make himself stronger) and form an alliance with the Church ACTIONS Otto invaded Italy on the Pope’s behalf

18 Outcome #1 Pope Crowns Otto emperor of a German Italian nation which would go on to become the Holy Roman Empire. It was the strongest state in Europe until 1100. Why is this important? This is going to create dissent in Italy. Future Popes and Italian nobles won’t like to be ruled by Germans (NATIONALISM) They will want power back// They’ll get it

19 CAUSE #2 POPE resents control emperors have over clergy (They are in some cases more loyal to their political lord than the pope) LAY INVESTITURE- ceremony in which kings and nobles appointed church officials

20 Actions #2 Pope Gregory Bans lay investiture. OUTCOME #2
Henry IV calls a meeting of bishops and orders Gregory to step down from Papacy Political vs. Religious struggle (Secular)

21 Causes #3 Gregory excommunicates Henry. Bishops and princes side with the Pope. Henry begs for the Popes Forgiveness when he travels to Canossa.

22 PRIMARY SOURCE page 372 There, having laid aside all the belongings of royalty, wretchedly, with bare feet and clad in wool, he continued for three days to stand before the gate of the castle. Nor did he desist from imploring with many tears the aid and consolation of the apostolic mercy until he had moved all of those who were present there. - POPE GREGORY


24 Outcome #3 Henry is forgiven, returns home, and punishes nobles. Why would he punish nobles? He’s humiliated, he’s been betrayed by some who supported Pope. He punishes them.

25 Causes #4 Issue of lay investiture remains undecided.
ACTIONS #4- Representatives of Church and emperor meet in Worms.

26 Outcome #4 Compromise is reached in which the emperor has veto power over appointment of bishops, but only the church can grant a the official title of bishop. Why did people want these titles?

27 Causes #5 Frederick’s brutality angers Italian merchants and the Church. He constantly raided wealthy cities in Italy and caused merchants and Pope to unite in the Lombard League. ACTIONS: Lombard league fights in the Battle of Legnano. OUTCOME #5- League soldiers defeat Frederick’s feudal army; Frederick makes peace with the POPE

28 HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE GERMANY WILL REMAIN SEPARATE despite attempts to unite the lands under one ruler. Their system had German princes of different provinces (372) elect a king. This weakens royal authority.

29 Class Review #1) Describe the Church’s structure, power and influence
#2) List events in the power struggle between popes and German emperor’s #3) Explain why Germany’s feudal states did not unify during the Middle Ages HOMEWORK: PREPARE FOR TEST (374)

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