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Presentation on theme: "Ecosystems-Disturbances"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecosystems-Disturbances
Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

2 Shade intolerant species (salix, populus etc.) Initial forest
Non-vegetative area Shade intolerant species (salix, populus etc.) Initial forest Shade intolerant species Shade tolerant species Transition forest Shade intolerant+ tolerant species Shade tolerant species Fire, wind, insects, anthropogenic interference Abrupt disturbance Shade intolerant species at all levels Best growth level Old growth Death Regeneration phase Old growth CLIMAX

3 Ecosystems-Disturbances
The more complex the ecosystems the harder to return its original stage. The greater the disturbance the harder to restore. Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

4 Rainforest Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

5 Redwoods Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

6 Greece-Chalkidiki Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

7 Greece-Crete Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

8 Disturbance - Fires Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

9 Disturbance - Strong winds
Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

10 Disturbance - Land slides
Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

11 Disturbance - Anthropogenic
Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

12 Disturbance - Anthropogenic
Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

13 Disturbance - Anthropogenic
Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

14 Disturbance - Anthropogenic
Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

15 Disturbance – Climate change
Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

16 Disturbance – Climate change
South North South North Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

17 Disturbance – Climate change
Climate change alters the biological balances. Planting the right species at the right place reduces stress and increases transplant success. Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

18 Climate change –Pinus sylvestris
Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

19 Pinus sylvestris-North Greece
Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

20 Pinus contorta -west USA
Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

21 Our work

22 Our work

23 Our work

24 Our work

25 Our work

26 Vegetation is very important (e.g. reduces erosion)
Grasses & crop Crop (corn) Undisturbed sites Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

27 Our Work

28 Ecohydrology Course: Ecohydrology / Instructor: Dr. V. Iakovoglou

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