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Customer Service Update to IGG

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1 Customer Service Update to IGG
ESB Networks Customer Service Update to IGG 12th June 2013

2 Planned Outage Communication
Currently post cards to customers detailing planned outages for their area This method is inflexible i.e. changes to dates, times etc. cannot be communicated quickly Proposal to send information on planned outages via customers mobile phones Currently have approx 20-30% mobile numbers, but need to clean and add to this data Origin of these numbers is both from Suppliers and ESB Networks

3 Collecting Customer Mobile Numbers
Networks application for supply already advises customers that phone number will be used unless they tick ‘opt out’ box ESB Networks will amend website to facilitate customers inputting phone numbers for contact purposes NCCC will continue to register mobile numbers from customers who call

4 Collecting Customer Mobile Numbers - Suppliers
Suppliers currently obtain information (personal data) from customers that is passed to ESB Networks (name, address, phone number) In their role as service provider (data processor) ESB Networks currently use name and address to contact customer Suppliers can request ESBN (data processor) to also use phone number to contact their customers Suppliers may need to update their Terms & Conditions to ensure that customers are aware of this ‘Opt out’ process and flagging this in systems will need to be implemented before we go live

5 Powercheck Available on ESB Website and as a smart phone app
Google Map linked to OMS Fault System Went live November 2012 Currently over 26k hits Positive response from customers and media Working to improve accuracy of Estimated Restoration Times Updating application to include more information

6 Use of Social Media Twitter Youtube
Launching ESB Networks Twitter shortly Main objective is to provide information on faults to customers Safety and other messages may also be tweeted We will also deal with any general queries received (offline). Managed by Networks Customer Care Centre Will review operation in six months Youtube Use of video to demonstrate ‘how to’ e.g. Read a Meter, Updating Credit on Keypad Meter

7 Training on NPA Activity
Developed a pilot programme for NTs carrying out De-energisation for Non Payment Subjects covered by the training: dealing with difficult situations role of ESBN and NT in NPA activity legal aspects of NPA Will roll out to all NTs engaged in this activity over the coming months

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